Thursday 21 May 2020

Joy & Hope

Joy and Hope
Im sure i've written about these before definitely Hope
But i'm sure most dancers will relate to Joy as well...
despite the pain, toil and struggle that comes with art forms, the joy is never far away in dance
the ebullient, exuberant, enthusiastic state it can create, enhance, tap into...
'when the dancer stops and the dance takes over'...

So at this time when even if we are well and in a good situation we are so painfully aware of those who aren't....
Let's wish them Joy, not syrupy happy sentimental stuff, but real joy that can be alongside sorrow and pain and give you strength to get through and a glimmer of something going through it, not running away from it.

We wish you all to be visited by Joy and strength and vision that we come out of this with a better vision and skills for our future.

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