Friday 11 October 2013

St Ives film link, Scratch and ART

Yesterday Jo Mayes and Karen came to visit the main company to round off the project with us and show the film, photographs and feedback labels!

We enjoyed it and had a good laugh watching the images so large as they were projected on the wall.

We are loving just playing again, lots of fun improvisations coming out and future ideas percolating, all in time for our much needed Visioning Session.
Next week, Friday 1.30pm - 4pm'ish, Colin will bring our last images/notes/record for us to reflect on and work from. If you can't get there please, have a chat with someone who can or write your ideas down, all ideas and suggestions welcome.

Jo Mayes is also putting together an exhibition to celebrate the St Ives performance, in the foyer of St Ives Library (including the film being shown on their display screen) from next Tuesday for a couple of weeks.

Anne Mackay came to the afternoon art session to help start off the Small Picture painting!
Welcome to Anne ( and thanks)  and to Eliza and Jewel who came with her. Some lovely work already and I went on to talk to old friend Colin Carbis at The John Daniel Centre, from our conversation we aim to develop fun, collaborative artistic times together. Starting with a mutual invitation for Artists to enter our Small Picture fundraiser and for Shallal Studio artists to visit on Monday 11th November, so we can work together. We hope to go on painting trips, gathering materials, all sorts! at least once a term.
We don't want to let the possibilities die and so are seeding new things....we also hope to extend our art session in the main company to give more time to the work.
Anne and I are exploring possibilities in Falmouth/Penryn area and the vision is still there! for 3 hubs we shall see.

We really enjoyed the Scratch Night. Well done to all of Shallal 2 who could make it, I was really pleased with the look of it! more ideas flooding in, new music for this week etc
Good feedback and some nice interesting conversations and we hope the Scratch Nights continue, an interesting way to show and watch work, meet people, discuss ideas....
Good to see old friend Sue Farmer and hear some of their folk opera,

PS please remember if you want to see Rambles i need to know this coming week and you need to choose your time!

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