Sad news, not totally unexpected, yesterday at Friends and Dancing, that Jean had died. She was ill in hospital over the last 2 months so not totally unexpected, but she was a much loved member of the group and one of the people who's dance makes your heart sing, as Jean's condition and health deteriorated she still sparkled and could be incredibly animated when engaged in dance. Jean was one of the main people who forms my continual thinking on gestural communication. Years ago i looked at why i enjoyed the main co so much and we had so much fun and i realised i loved the shared gestural humour ( for much the same reason many dancers love BSL). If you went to talk with Jean words might be limited and conversation run to a close, but if you went to dance with Jean a whole world of love, warmth and rich variety came your way, from a generous, loving heart and sensitivity. I have heard of those studies which say most of the information we receive form people is non verbal, so Jean and others like her open that world to us who are often too stuck in the world of words. They are masters of their art and take us on a journey with them challenging our ability for openness and response, and entering into a world of beauty, soulfulness and rhythm.
Above my desk is a little post it note to try to film Jean and Trevor with Debs and another dancer based on the last public showing piece that caused many people to continue to comment on it and remember it, and with an awareness that dementia and time were running on. We had hoped to film Jean and Trevor to show the joy and beauty people have to give and share even when dementia and other problems have set in.
Now we are hoping to find some archive footage from The Eden Project and will research back on old photographs. This is also where project funding can limit art as there wasn't time to find the funds to make the time and film it, and i couldn't get it made under any of our current budgets which were project specific and near their finish.
beautiful photo of Jean, Hannah, Debs and Trevor - thanks to Jessie |
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