Thank you to Rory for creating the poster.
Doorways first indoor show next week!
last rehearsal this week, next week in the Acorn
back to our old haunt..........
this is their press release.........
Shallal is a longstanding inclusive community dance theatre company open to all and their aim is to challenge who can perform and how by providing a performance space for anyone in the community, regardless of sexuality, gender, race, age, physical, mental and emotional status. Their work is based on natural dance and theatre improvisation. Shallal's productions are created by the members of the company, who work collaboratively to devise performances which are built from improvisations and ideas that the participants all contribute during the rehearsal period. A range of visiting artists including Rory McDermott, poet Sally Crabtree, film-maker Barbara Santi and composer Roger Pinsent also work with the company on this creative process giving access to a wide variety of skills, media and ideas.
Doorways is a family friendly entertainment as lively, imaginative and varied as its creators. From crows to clowns, mysterious white ladies to mythical sea creatures, to romantic duets, there is something for everyone.
Doorways will be performed at The Acorn Theatre, Penzance on Friday 5th October at 7.30pm. Advance tickets £6.00 (concessions £4.00) available from from, tel: 01726 879500 or in person from Welcome to West Cornwall, next to Penzance train station, or The Visitor Information Centre, Guildhall, Street-an-Pol, St Ives.
Here are some photos sent by Laura, after giving the studio a clean and clear out, there's still a few things left to go. Emma from the centre spoke about picnic tables outside in the summer, i like that thinking! and you can see the lovely garden area surrounding it. It's quiet and private despite being in the centre grounds and yet there are people and activity nearby and the canteen, when it's up and running more for the public, so ideal spot for a studio.
At present 2 artists from Shallal waiting to use it and one from John Daniel Centre. Laura finishing an induction with the centre and then off we go. I think i'll ask her to write about it as it goes on as she is far better with words than i am, in fact her interesting Phd is sitting on my desk!
Those who know me may have guessed that i should be writing something else, so maybe i should see blogging as a writing warm up exercise.
I got the same thrill looking at the empty studio space as i do at an empty hall or dance space, it's so full of potential.
fantastic dappled autumn light.....
busy day today, Friends and Dancing, then Shallal2, then trustees meeting.
Absoloutely loving learning some basic British Sign Language, second week of a six week course that Demelza and i are doing. Demelza planning to go on and study for a level one qualification.
We are hoping she can sign some or all of Star's poem in the forthcoming show, a kind friend has offered to help her learn all on the level of experiment but something we've longed to introduce for years. For those who haven't come across them Deafinitely Theatre company are worth checking out. Eileen's ( who Mind the Gap was dedicated to ) stepson Tom has written for them and his partner Paula is their artistic director.
When Tom went to school in Cornwall the policy was not to teach signing, and i felt such sadness and frustration as i could never communicate clearly with him. He found BSL when he went to university. SO i think all young children should be introduced to simple signs when they learn to read, as it would provide kinaesthetic support and prompting, and give a basic foundation within education of an important language in our culture. (We learn foriegn languages.) Which could be easily supported and developed, i was wondering yesterday if that's a retirement project..50 next year and it's getting to me?! but i want everything done yesterday.......
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