Friday 12 July 2024

'Known and Unknown' credits and chat

 Running order



Who lights the sun                        Rene Aubry

Wellerman - Ragtime Version     Scott Bradlee

Telephone                                          Martynas

Viola Saga: Movement 2               Joe Hisaishi, Weiner Symphoniker


Tides - Catrin Finch

Storm Front

Barometer Rising


Utopian Dreams

Gwlaskor  Vol 1                    Matthew Thomason ( grateful thanks )

Carn Brea

Keunyjek Prelude




Known and Unknown by Shallal Dance Theatre Friday 7pm 12 July @thecentrenewlyn

We are keen to keep progressing our 'spontaneous response' style performances.

Free admission / donate if you can.

'Known' has music the dancers have moved to before and 'Unknown' is new to them.

We aim to make work that's "Relevant" as we are in an era of change and upheaval, 

some things we know will happen ( predicted/ Known ) some/many are Unknown.

Come along and tell us what you think, leave a note, have a chat.

We will have a Questions and Answers session afterwards.

Accessible venue, drop off limited parking

Background chat:

As always, risk and change are daunting and exciting at the same time.

As an artist the work always speaks to you, is a dialogue, and this morning while rummaging around for more music for today, at the end i realised it had themes i love: the land i grew up and live in my Cornish Heritage, Gwlaskor  Vol 1     and the roots of my mothers heritage  Wales Tides - Catrin Finch.

Both sections by amazing contemporary composers very grateful to Matt as i fell in love with this music at a recent concert, and its still only on CD! a challenge to my tech today - thank you to Anna for help.

We love this work and so far, so have our audiences, so here we go again (and on the 31st July we dive in even deeper with improvised grand piano for 7 minutes on the Hall for Cornwall stage.)

Do come and see us here or there!

There are so many strands to the creative life of Shallal and i can feel us needing to embrace humour and themes again soon. However for now my favourite place: the body and space Dance, with Music and Others, and Audience.

A joyful mix! 

and we look again at the themes of: 

Person and Community - the 'politics' of being


Ecstasy, Enthusiasm and Encouragement - why do we dance?

Diary dates

23 July Tuesday 5-7.30pm Grow Box Cafe Krowji Sam's exhibition and Shallal summer end of term celebration

31 July Hall for Cornwall 7.30pm Let's Create Showcase

As always nearly forget the most important thing

THANK YOU to all the amazing dancers and artists who make up our Shallal family and especially to those sharing their gifts today.

Thank you to all the carers, family, trustees and others who make it work and support it in the background

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