Tuesday, 3 October 2023

Back Lane West 2023! yay and some news

 Back Lane West Residency - a favourite time!

draft copy to share and a few thoughts 

and a few spaces left in the diary for artists ...so do contact me

Shallal is excited to be back!
" Back Lane West residency is always a highlight of my year" Jo Willis creative director
A chance to explore and deepen our processes, collaborations and opportunities. To immerse ourselves in cross art forms and collaborations.
To have more time to explore and 'play.'
This year we are pleased to be part of Flamm with Rise and Fall showcasing Janet Hollands vibrant work, with film, music and dance inspired by and surrounding it.
Saturday 26 October 12-6pm https://flamm.creativekernow.org.uk/event/rise-and-fall-shallal-artists/ 
with dancers 1-1.30pm
With residency artist Anna Willis https://www.instagram.com/anna__sophronia/?hl=en*
we are researching artistic relationships, process and materials for our Tate St Ives Winter Festival commission, which has come from explorations from our 2022  residency https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39Vqu-AjK2s
We are enabling solo artists to have more studio time ie: Bobby Johnson ( who has a St Ives School of Painting Emerging Artists bursary Porthmeor Programme online)
Along with so much more and we hope the '50 Coats' will get an airing!

We aim to have a Sharing during the weekend of 28/29 October, times tbc. 

* Anna has been involved on our BLW residencies since they started and epitomises the cross art form blended creative approach, my words not hers. As her mum i have to be careful what i say!! 
so Congratulations to her for surviving the seas of a Fine Art degree and we are pleased to share sometime with her on projects she has inspired by her practice and inspiration.
Also fantastic to be meeting with Laura Menzies today who was involved in our first residency and whose inspiration it was for us to apply for a residency at Porthmeor Studios, which was an important milestone in the development of Shallal Studios.
Lou who wrote a successful bid for that Porthmeor Studios residency went onto to develop the Studios has also made a film for Rise and Fall,  Colour in the Air.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hm3-J0Z845Y

Looking forward to 
'In this Together' exhibition and also Gaia!

We have enjoyed working with Make and Mends and creating a RELEVANT banner, in these times everything has to have relevance to answers and solutions and awareness raising.

On another personal note my brother Mark Deeble, who i interviewed on Passing on Passmore Podcast 1, https://youtu.be/tKj-KT0GymA?si=gMGeA43-_A0lgreH
has just received, with his wife Vicky Stone, a Legacy Award for their work from Jackson Wild film festival 

and within work/art family my inspiration Wolfgang Stange was awarded an honourary doctorate from Roehampton University
 "A good teacher is not a person who passes all the tests, but one who shows humility and is willing to learn from their students"

Whilst truly celebrating these moments and thankfulness for peoples generous creativity, and life times contributions. I hope Wolfgang gets more recognition!

Shallal never has, and i hope never will, give out certificates, accreditation or awards, we are about life long involvement in the creative process, collaboration, access, equity, community and learning from our own starting points, the sheer joy of it all!

Last thing so enjoyed chatting with architect Adam and Hannah, so glad to see Access Equity at the beginning of conversations https://adamkhan.co.uk/
and Arts Lab have put in a sustainability on their latest application form: What measures might you put in place when planning and delivering your project that promote environmental sustainability? E.g. materials, travel

Universal Design and Sustainability in the heart of it all, we need to see the change!

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