Monday, 18 September 2023

Passmore Edwards Bicentenary Cycling Challenge

 Passmore Edwards Bicentenary Cycling Challenge

John Passmore Edwards, the Cornish Philanthropist was born 200 years ago this year. In his life he was a social and political reformer, anti slavery and anti capital punishment activist, delegate at the Paris and Brussels Peace Conferences, MP, and the most significant newspaper owner of his time. Having earned his wealth by the labours of others he said he would redistribute his money to help his fellow workingman He funded 71 public buildings, including libraries, Hospitals, schools, art galleries and convalescent homes. In Cornwall he funded 20 buildings, all of which have survived and your challenge is to visit them all on bicycle. You can undertake the ultimate challenge, visiting all 20 buildings in one day, its around 300 km, or you can take 2, 3 or as many days as you wish.

You will be provided with a list of the buildings and a Google map showing their location. There is also a gpx file of a suitable route, which is a figure of 8 centred on Truro. However, you may choose your own route and start from wherever you live and transport your bike to the point on your route where you previously stopped, cycling at least 300km in total.

There is a finishing “medal”, an engraved wooden coaster, to commemorate your achievement and the bicentenary, which you will receive once you have submitted evidence of your ride. This can be by a Strava record, something similar or some photos of the buildings visited with dates.

There is a modest fee of £9 which doesn’t even cover the cost to us.
To enter, email with name and address. The entry fee should be paid by bank transfer to our account at Lloyds Bank, Any entry for someone under 18 must be from a more responsible adult, who will be responsible for their safe participation. All entrants are responsible for their own safety. There will be no route markers, fuel stations or backup vehicles,’ you are very much on your own, though we will be “virtually” cheering you on all the way round.


Amongst the many Passmore Edwards bequests was a 130 acre farm at Chalfont St Peter,,which he gave to what is now the Epilepsy Society. He went on to fund 5 homes for those with Epilepsy who worked and lived there and their main administrative building. This remains the national headquarters of the society. Why not ask you friends and family to sponsor you on your cycling challenges this year, with the proceeds going to fund the society’s continuing work. Mention the Passmore Edwards Bicentenary when you send your donation.

Entries to

Payment (£9.00), to Lloyds Bank Sort Code 30-98-97,
Acc No 85422263. Reference (Your Surname) or Cheque made out to
Passmore Edwards 200. Please write name, address and email address on the reverse. 

Passmore Edwards Buildings in Cornwall.

TRURO: The library in Pydar St is in fact two buildings; the Free library with entrance to Pydar St and the Technical School behind it. PERRANPORTH. The former Convalescent Home is in Granny’s Lane, going out of Perranporth “:up the Coombe”. It is now a block of flats. MITHIAN. Blink and you will miss the Mithina Institute. It is opposite the pub.

ST AGNES: In the main st near the Parish Council Offices the MMI, Miners & Mechanics Institute, hosts a good little cafe for tea and cake. BLACKWATER. The Institute is on the old A30 route through the village, by the war memorial.
CHACEWATER INSTITUTE: In the centre of the village. Now domestic properties.
REDRUTH LIBRARY: In Clinton Rd, recently taken over by Rift Theatre to be restored and reopened as The Ladder.
REDRUTH WOMEN’S HOSPITAL, CHILDRENS WARD. Going out of town westwards, it is own the new Gweal Pawl Estate.
CAMBORNE old LIBRARY. Look for the statue of Trevithick on the roundabout.
HAYLE: On the main road through the town.
ST IVES: Still in use as a library right in the middle of the town. On the corner of Gabriel St.
NEWLYN ART GALLERY: Backs on to the sea on the road out of Penzance. HELSTON SCIENCE & ART SCHOOL. Now an arts Centre, CAST, in Penrose Rd. Excellent cafe.
FALMOUTH COTTAGE HOSPITAL: Now AGE UK Day care Centre, Killigrew St. By the roundabout onto Western Terrace.
BODMIN LIBRARY: Old library. On the corner of Lower Bore St and Robert’s Rd.
LAUNCESTON OLD LIBRARY. A rendered and terracotta building, easily missed. Dockacre Rd.
LISKEARD LIBRARY. Barras St, in the centre of the town.
FORMER LISKEARD COTTAGE HOSPITAL: Now part of a sheltered housing complex; Passmore Edwards Court, Barras Place. mid=1DgKoaRZeoDQnsyDxbwBzry9nEq2S68g&usp=sharing

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