Looking forward to playing in the space again with all these wonderful artists.
[Because of Cornish distances people who have performed with SDT regularly before ( and live far away so can't make it in every week, too tiring, too expensive, too busy etc) often come back for Open Improv performances - which is a joy and good to keep us all connected. We do need them to keep fit etc so they attend groups/dance nearer home.]
Last night Shallal 2, (6 dancers in the space and 3 online,) 'small but beautiful' and always so quirky! are so good at the moment that we have the same 'thing' as with Shallal Dance Theatre just need more low key easily organised performance opportunities. So we hope to do a Showcasing soon.
We are grateful to have Reaching Communities funding for these groups but the ever changing performance landscape with Covid restrictions and especially as we have vulnerable people hasn't led us to make performance arts funding applications easily. I had a lovely one about to formulate pre Ovicrom! but not sure now if we can...however we are so grateful for baseline funding and that we can adapt and continue...
Shallal 2 are settling into their new venue the wonderful space of Princess Pavillions Theatre, high ceiling wooden floor and good ventilation, many thanks to Hennie and welcome to Aidan who is now managing the active community space it has truly become.
Thank you to Anna for making the beautiful poster and creating a design for our mailchimp newsletter which should read more easily from now on. She's back in Cornwall for internships so also kindly volunteering for Shallal and I am looking forward to meeting Leigh Jacobs ( 3rd year Fine Art student at Falmouth Uni )with her today to talk about materials for our forthcoming collaboration 'Mark making and Movement' 2 and 4 March..more on that soon some shared Shallal inspiration from Anna https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rF_1R4lBX7E&ab_channel=ShallalArts and George and Sam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBhp1j-resQ&ab_channel=ShallalArts
Shallal's development and consolidation is due to team effort as Claire exemplifies in message below. Very grateful for our new look website and design, Lou and Phoebe work hard on that development and are busy with more ideas and creating interesting supportive opportunities and partnerships. Colin has taken on more background work with the Community groups, a big thank you to The Henry Smith Charity for continued funding, and we are so grateful also for Chris and Charlotte and Ian who is standing in for Therese. As this is a busy time consolidating positive development and future planning our dear trustees also meet once a month.
Good news from Claire yesterday:

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