Tuesday 7 December 2021

Creativity , Charlotte, Showcasing & Sharing, Covid, 'A named thing'

 Last week, apart from a stinking winter cold!

Great first meeting with Charlotte and team, I learn a lot, i get catapulted into 2 parallel realities in such meetings/conversation of confidence and insecurity at the same time, not sure one ever gets used to it.

 Confidence, in those you work with, in the vision and history etc 

Insecurity, in ones own creative life endeavours etc 

Thankfully dear John Miller said, "you never know if you can do it again", creativity is not owned, controlled, manufactured, it's a visitor, a gift, a small bird on the shoulder, a whisper in the ear, a glimpse of something on the periphery, you make the situation as inviting as possible and work and wait for it to come along, So when people talk about it as a given, you know it's not. We try to make friends with our own creative process sometimes, ranting, shouting, rushing....sometimes curling up empty and waiting... the great thing about Shallal is it's shared.

So heres to a creative solution for tomorrows Shallal 2 unexpected venue issue!

Here's to the fun of another of these...

i now remember what drove me here, to blog about the changes, subtlety and inclusion needed in our Covid times. Last week in Shallal Dance Theatre we reflected on the show A Call to Home and whether to do this Showcase and Sharing.
A smaller team are keen to go ahead with it and that makes it easier, as there will be less people performing so more covid safe..so trust the process..is what Shallal has taught me over all these years! 

Another small reflection from that conversation was about space and environment, we need to have the 'vibe' to suit us, enable inclusion and welcome as fully as possible. Which interestingly came up in a chat with national Mencap this week, who have a legacy to spend on Cornwall..interesting.

I do love a legacy! Anyone want to add us to their will?
I feel my age, 58, creeping on, but intend/hope to work for years.

Films trickling out ...


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