Thursday 11 November 2021

Wednesday Back Lane West Lisa Mortensen and co !

 Back Lane West Residency

Still working it's inspiration as always, even with less time in the space due to illness.

Marianna creating large paintings

Eddie and Stuart with good vibes:

Eddie Callis and Stuart Blackmore were the first artists into our Back Lane West residency this year.
The first half 'PLAY' is co-ordinated by Falmouth Art Gallery/Cultural services interns Anna Willis & Megan Burridge supported by Shallal's creative director Jo Willis.
Eddie and Stuart developed their Experimental music and were joined in the afternoon by dancers on Zoom.
George Clement Peer joined them, thank you for the film! along with Kyle and Caroline Coleman.
You may recognise the song which was created for Foraging Nectar and can be heard on youtube.
Excited, as always, for the rest of this month long residency, new artists joining us and Shallal artists making new connections and collaborations from podcasts to coats!
- the best way into creativity!

Lisa Mortensen

"I've had this idea for about 10 years"

also the connection with Truro College where Lisa now teaches and alumni ( Megan and Anna )and Mark Dunford :) 

Lisa also: worked with Eddie at Camborne College, made 'On the Line' with Shallal Dance Theatre while i was on maternity leave and and and ..we still haven't worked together enough so something maybe brewing from this session!

So the studio quietly filled with artists and the progressions are great to see: Anna first in Back Lane West as teenager and now on a zoom call for her forthcoming internship with  Eddie has created commissioned music for 2 recent Shallal projects and is a paid artist facilitator on Underworld workshop

Then in come Eddie and Stuart,  ( conversation, painting, music, editing, etc) Megan and Connie ( drawing on perspex for Gyllyngdune exhibition) and my zoom call with Katie for our Christmas designs meet up. Anna and Lisa move through space take photos etc!

Tape from the ceiling and a milieu of artists, together yet apart and combining at different cross overs! oh joy!

Might have to face writing a bid! 

Coats  Jo Lumber and Anna was postponed :( but the inspiration continues and Back Lane West is greater than just the wonderful white box studio, so coming soon hopefully in January as ...COATS!

Not sure Shallal Dance Theatre artists will make it in today but still the inspiration continues and UNDERWORLD WORKSHOPS with studio artists take over the next 2 weeks.

In the afternoon we had a fabulous conversation ending in plans and hopes for building from reclaimed materials an outdoor studio on some permaculture land.

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