This week Harry Theaker is guest artist with Shallal Dance Theatre, so we will use this for week 11...
New video up on You tube
inspired by Colin asking for more "clown" type choices!
stretching out gently...
for the fun of it, moving around
Humoresque - Itzhak Perlman and Yo Yo Ma
buster keatonCheek to cheek. .....stretching, moving and relating to others, dance with cushions, pillows/props, chairs, brooms.....
Paragon Ragtime Orchestra - Buster Keaton finale
Greetings, using the space...stop.... start, silly walks?
Monty Python's Flying Circus: Intro Theme Music
Theme - Open Improvisation: working alone, with others, being still, watching
Música Para Cine Mudo (charles chaplin)
Theme Option Shallal 2 - sustained shapes relationship
Portico Quartet - "Endless"
Theme Option - Rushing
Winding down... face hands....pacing .....stop start rest watch start again..ragtime blues guitar
wind down...stretching out....reaching out to others or own...
blues relaxation
Thanks Jo...we'll have fun with this lot...Colin x