Monday, 30 March 2020

Connect & Create.... Music Choices Week 2

Pleased to receive this feedback:
"Amazing playlist  :) thanks so much. It got the whole ..... family dancing this afternoon from 2 years - 68 years :)"

"i am loving the playlist i play it all the time in the kitchen. when you sing i imagine we are all back together lying on the floor of the hall. not quite the same as the kitchen floor๐Ÿ˜ƒ Thank you so much for doing this for us ๐Ÿ’—"
Have a good creative good to be dancing together, even at distance or with those at home!
Thanks to Phoebe we have a new facebook page for Connect & Create so do share dances, music, art with us.
Playlist week 2 
Warm up
Don't worry be happy -  Bobby McFerrin
Olympus - Fourth Moon
folk medium

Maple Leaf rag - Tuba Skinny
fun social

Shalom Alechem - Barcelona Gipsy Klezmer Orchestra Live

Hija Mia - Amina Alaoui

More complex - choose one*? 
*Philip Glass - Mad Rush 
- long 15mins - do a section?

*Starless - King Crimson 
- 12mins
(Robert Fripp of King Crimson is our patron! spot him in the video)

*Sorrowful Songs - Goreki
I. Lento e Largo - Tranquillissimo 26:48 - 36:14
( so love the poignant beauty of this piece)

for this time of year ....
Spring - Ludovico Einaudi
(A highlight for Shallal Dance Theatre last year was dancing to this in the wildflower meadow at Kestle Barton)

winding down....
Dance me to the end of Love - Leonard Cohen can rest or dance/stretch out slowly
Claire de lune - Debussy

Demi Lune - Rene Aubry

Shallal is all about shared ideas and collaboration, so please do pass on suggestions for this slot...
from Jo Shallal 2:
'Home' by David Sylvian.

from Anna:

from Giles:
New Beginning - Bucks Fizz

from Thomas and Demelza:
Cold - Annie Lenox

from Justin
Hey have created a new 'Spotify' playlist "Shallal Quarantine Quarter of an Hour (1)" (15 or so minutes of more cardio-ish tracks...) this via my "tolcarnegesture"

from Rosie:
Hofesh Shechter’s podcast, designed to be listened to alone, in a dark space, is an invitation to move without inhibition – the way you always wished you could when no one is watching. 
During this time when many of us find ourselves indoors (and dark spaces) we’re releasing this podcast again. So put on your headphones, turn off the lights…and move.,T46X,4PX56F,3ICQY,1

For those of you who have instagram there are quite a lot of streamed free classes...
ie @ infiniteflowdance - professional american

& @ inclusivereality - community hackney

I follow these on instagram...

Lots to chat about, but will keep it to this for now, and really enjoying the phone calls and connections.

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

COVID 19 legislation & surfaces information

Good morning!
Mary our eldest daughter did Enviromental Science degree so she keeps me up to date and mentioned last night concerns about the new legislation.
Unpolitical as i am -most of the time-, I am always concerned and this is cause for being vigilant!
Coronavirus Emergency legislation.
"While Labour believed unprecedented measures were now needed to "save lives and protect our communities", he said the measures would "chill every Liberal in the House" and it only offered its support with a "heavy heart".
However, he said the bill required careful scrutiny to ensure the "quite extraordinary" powers were not abused, particularly in changes to rules on mental health sectioning and the provision of social care.
The bill, he warned, would give councils the power to "downgrade" care for the disabled and the elderly and that this should be subject to a review by the Equalities and Human Rights Commission.
While councils should be able to prioritise those with the greatest needs in the event of staff shortages, "what no-one of us wants to see is the legal minimum of support become the default"."

I read this checking addresses for our bike Shallal 2 parcel post drop off having missed the post, (snail mail and i were never good friends, post stays in my home unsent for years!) Jo L will be doing more of it probably once we are more organised!?!
Shallal 2 are a non techy group, post and phonecalls the preferred contact routes!
Very excited to be using my "new' passed on bike!
my once a day outside the house exercise, a Shallal2 ' post ' drop off, on bike, gloved delivery and with, research into how long the virus can stay on different surfaces.
 Lets keep vigilant and try to be ahead of what we are being recommended (it can stay up to 1 days on card).
'virus can survive on hard surfaces such as plastic and stainless steel for up to 72 hours and on cardboard for up to 24 hours.'
more info on
Stay safe and well.

Connect & Create - Music Choices Week 1

Hi everyone
Now we are all officially home based
I want to find ways to share, which you all know by now we are exploring.

I was outside in the early morning light and thinking of work, as well as chickens, gardening and household chores, you can now see why work is more inviting! i had got to household chores..and dancing...if i leave it too long without dancing my family notice me going slightly gesturally crazy! and louder than normal...

So perhaps if, i put a play list up every week on this blog, you can select what you will from it and it won't clog up your emails with attachments.
At present i'm choosing from youtube, as a universal free place.

Social dances to kick start this off, in your home whether alone or with family!

Oops distracted of my favourite ever tunes from years ago...
Young Black Cow

if you have others with you, for a laugh!
Flora dance

fast warm up!

Greek dance Zorba, ignore the dancers do your own freestyle Greek dance!
especially for Zoe In Liskeard

Barcelona Gypsy BalKan Orchestra

Jackson Stomp New Orleans Jazz


Songs we have worked on....
Jewish Turkish - vocal slow

Water falls - Rene Aubry

Night Run - Rene Aubry
Liskeard & SDT

new one...
Elegy for the Arctic - Ludovico Einaudi

Armenian Duduk - Slow

Songs of the Auvergne Fredrica von Stade - long

Crossing the bar - Jo

Spiegel im Spiegel - Arvo Part 10mins

See you next week
Speak soon!

Friday, 20 March 2020

Connect & Create

                             Connect & Create

Dear Shallal creatives,

We hope you are all well, despite the changes to our daily lives that COVID-19 is causing. We hope someone has been in touch with you this week.  

I have been chatting to our trustees and all the group facilitators and associate artists to decide how we will adapt and continue going forward.

We are continuing our sessions, just not meeting up physically!

We will continue to Connect & Create, in a friendly informal manner, to collaborate through sharing ideas and inspiration, just through new methods.
Now more than ever we need to have fun and keep well through creativity and produce wonderful creative collaborative work.

There are already so many great connecting and creative ideas you have shared with us this week. Each group will continue working.
We will also share ideas with other Shallal groups when appropriate.

We have taken time this week to find out how best to keep in touch to 
                               CONNECT & CREATE

How the new format will work
  • We will continue all our sessions at the same time and day as usual
  • BUT as the physical venues are closed, we will stay in distant, or virtual, contact (methods below)!
  • In the session time, one of the leaders will contact you, and
  • We will share ideas, music, art forms.

Keep Session Time free
If you can’t one week don’t worry, just check in to find out what’s happening (each group will have a slightly different method - so check with your group facilitator if not clear).
New methods for staying in contact 
  • POST
  • TEXT
  • ZOOM

We may go onto use YouTube and Vimeo - and we will keep you posted.
The group facilitators and associate artists will be in touch: same day and time as your usual group.

Love Jo

We will be putting up contact numbers of agencies that can provided practical help on our website.

Do contact each other, look out for each other as we do when we socialise outside the groups.
If you are lonely outside session time let the Shallal leaders know and they can ask other group members who maybe able to provide more frequent contact.

Monday, 16 March 2020

This week for Shallal: review of plans as corona-virus develops, keep in touch, stay connected!

"sad as this is we can devise many creative and collaborative alternatives to getting together physically."  
Jo Lumber associate artist Shallal2, performer/writer Shallal Dance Theatre

"I trust in our collaborative creativity, care and vision and adaptability to see us all through this coming time with fantastic projects as outcomes: puppet shows, online galleries, forums, sketchbooks, songs, poems, dances, short films, keep fit & have fun at home!  (do those personnel projects we never have time for) 
Reach out and stay connected." Jo Willis creative director

For Participants and Carers/Family/Supporters:

Shallal is taking a week to make a review of plans as advice develops concerning the corona-virus outbreak.

Please note:
  • sessions this week will not be running 
  • group leaders will be in touch with you during the session time (via phone, if another method is required please let us know) to talk to you about how best we can keep in touch and talk about ideas for keeping work going during the coming weeks
  • group leaders will then feedback your ideas to a meeting where they will decide what will happen the following week and in weeks to come
  • we will share the outcomes from this with you by 3pm Friday.

To help us coordinate this effort, it would help us to know:

  1. Your up to date contact details:
  • Email:
  • Phone Number:
  • Other (if applicable):

  1. If you have access to any of the following (please put an ‘x’ in the appropriate box):
  • Smart Phone []
  • iPad/Tablet []
  • Laptop []
  • Computer []
  • Other (please state) []

  1. How would you like  to be contacted? (please put an ‘x’ in the appropriate box)
  • Landline [] 
  • Mobile []
  • Email []
  • WhatsApp []
  • Post [] 
  • Other (please state) []

  1. Do you require anyone to support you with communication? (please put an ‘x’ in the appropriate box)
  • No []
  • Yes [] If yes, please provide the following details below:

Person providing support:
  • Family member [] Carer [] Friend [] 
  • Name of person providing support:
  • Contact details, if different (email and/or phone number): 

  1. If you have any ideas for Creative Projects and ways of communication, please state here:


For Shallal Facilitators and Associate Artists
Please read carefully. Do phone with any queries if necessary.

In discussion with the trustees, Shallal is taking a week to make a review of plans as advice develops concerning the corona-virus outbreak.

Please contact your group members to let them know the following:
  • the session is cancelled this week
  • group leaders will be in touch during the session time this week to talk to them about how best to keep in touch and talk about ideas for keeping work going during the coming weeks.
  • the Studio is to remain open this week (with some measures in place to ensure precautions regarding infection and advice to participants to ensure that they do not attend if they have any symptoms)
  • there will be further news by the end of the week once we have spoken to facilitators, participants and members about what will happen the following week and in weeks to come. We will be in touch on Friday afternoon 3pm to let them know our plans. 

To facilitate this please send your group(s) feedback by 9am Friday to:  

If you can make it please attend: 
  • Meeting for facilitators/associate artists, 10-12am on Friday at Krowji Studio G08

Next week we will contact the group’s funders to inform them of our course of action.

Timetable for this week
  • 9.30am - 12pm - Business meeting at Shallal Studio G08, Krowji (Note: venue changed from Jo's home)

  • 6pm (?) - Trustees Conference 

  • 10am - 12pm - Facilitators and Associate Artists meeting Shallal Studio G08 Krowji 
  • 12.30pm - 2.30pm - Optional work party devising new strategy/creative solutions/inputs
  • 2.30pm - 3pm - Prepare and distribute information to members

Thursday, 12 March 2020

Embodied Space with Peter Freeman - film by Barbara Santi and chat

Embodied Space with Pete Freeman
Many thanks to Barbara for this beautifully interwoven promo/film showing the inter-relationships of the art forms.

Wonderful, innovative and beautiful work. Well done to all!

  • Tina Cockett
     Congratulations to everyone involved! A real weaving of movement, light and sound, wanted to join in!!
  • Tina Cockett And as always Barbara you have captured the essence on film

I find myself in some of the background Shallal relationships and have been missing Zoe recently and now am aware how much i miss what Marjorie gave, a constant supportive presence sometimes questioning challenging but we need that and always with care for the other and an understanding of how far we had come and how far we need to go.
So much has improved but we can't stop and have to maintain the vision and pressure.
We maybe about to drop the word inclusion i see it branded around a lot now and we always need to move on, we believe in a society where there is equal worth, care and support and that should be our norm!  Justin challenged it and Phoebe agrees and i think the time might be right...
Lou shared Nneue Kalu 

The studio is attracting artists as we had hoped, old friends and allies such as Lisa Mortensen who covered my maternity leave in SDT and i had hoped to work with again for years!
You can follow the stories of the artists on instagram.

Many of the performers are at their peak! 
Wonderful to see. 
Shallal 2 was 'small is beautiful' last night, 5 people of different types and ages working together so harmoniously, drama, humour, grace a rare treat and despite struggles in daily life etc.

A place to breathe, a space to allow creativity and connection without being precious about it.

So Marjorie was in my mind, as well as i need to get on and make a crowd funder for this Poetry book and launch it soon.

Life moves on and this Wednesday a week later,  Zoe was at Shallal 2 after a good day in the studio with Phoebe and Eddie.
George dropped round with Sam on Tuesday and is willing to have a go at making a short film for our crowdfunder tomorrow!
Lisa and i have booked a chat on Monday.
So this week was busy and nice with conversations with Peter Freeman and George on taking our collaboration out and about and with Claudia for her new labyrinthine project, which could feature Colin drawing a large labyrinth in the sand.

Enjoyed visiting Liskeard group today, so good to see the group grow, and watch Thomas and Demelza explore makaton, BSL and dance/story telling.