Sunday, 26 November 2017

Busy week!

A busy 7 days:
Acorn dress rehearsal, squeezing us into back stage and a much smaller performance space than the front of Godolphin House for Doorways, or the plaza outside the Falmouth Library for Ladders and Footprints, however the Acorn has it's own quirky steps, levels and layout! so all sorted now ready for our first indoor show this Friday 7pm at the Acorn Theatre. A big thank you in advance for Ian While and Jacob Wheeler for stepping in to do the lighting for us - when our original technician was double booked! and to Colin and Victoria for all the behind the scenes co-ordination.
A highlight of the show will be the Duchess and the doll,  a short film made by Barbara Santi and Shallal artists, writer and performers, it was filmed on site at Godolphin House in the gardens while the bluebells were out in Spring 2016.

Straight after that Colin rounded up enthusiasts for a presentation and photo shoot at Penzance Co-op on Saturday.
Dear Lou Brett has worked tirelessly behind the scenes raising awareness and fund raising for all our community groups, and this time it paid off so well, raising more that we asked for from the Co-op scheme. Many thanks to her and all the Shallal performers who turned out to make it such a good occasion, and to all our supporters who took the time to vote for us, photos on FB
They were dancing in the aisles!
"I had the most brilliant time yesterday with Kerry, Colin, Zoe Wilton, Johnathon, George, Dillon and Charlie (from Open House).
The staff at Co-op were, really positive, kind and appreciative of Shallal's participation in their day, and of Shallal's amazing pop-ups.
All the dancers coped so well with the unusual space, positively embraced it, and expected shoppers to embrace it too! They went off dancing through queues at the tills and down the aisle.
........ Thank you everyone for a wonderful morning!" Lou Brett

In the background Colin, Victoria and I have just finished writing about 2016-2017 for the Annual report, (the AGM is 15 December St Peters Hall, Newlyn 9.30am - 12.30pm followed by Christmas Party 1-3pm, this year it is themed with quiz and games requested by Peter Kirby for all those with seasonal holiday birthdays, Peter will be 31 this year!)
 and as always what shows up is how Shallal is "the sum of its parts" and last night Maz suggested we enter the Christmas Tree Festival in Falmouth at Gyllyngdune gardens so after Fridays Show,  it's tree decorating on Saturday 3-5pm at Gyllyngdune Gardens tbc, ready for an opening at 5.30pm Sunday !
We hope it will become an annual event that we participate in and we look forward to working with Gyllyngdune Gardens and Jacqui Owen who are always so supportive.

Short snap shots into Shallal's external life:
Rehearsing, large project winding up - Doorways Project finishes in June 2018
New community group receiving funding from it's local community, our Pop Up style performances out and about again
A full theatre show at the Acorn
Shallal members' initiative to be part of the local community, doing something fun and awareness raising together...
all this on top of our normal sessions...

I could expand but for now
Thank You all and a Happy Advent to you all.
See you somewhere soon, there's a lot to come along to!

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