I am still really enjoying working with the new group at Liskeard, they have gelled so quickly it no longer feels new! The nature of the work is every group, every person, teaches you so much!
So two shows in the making, a report to finish (so blogging instead of committing to good prose!) and an exhibition at the beginning of the new year! variety......
Nice work in the morning, i came in needing more material for Doorways Falmouth and we now have three or more potential pieces to build on, Demelza and Peter and Jonathan and Star, Molly and co, groups for building, Passmore's new hat...
Shallal 2 are half way there in the new work, music and themes identified just need to form it more, and lastly the order.
I wish I could see you performing live as it is always a treat to watch. Can you please share your youtube channel link with us if you have one? Thanks