Thursday, 18 October 2012

Rambling thoughts!

Some ideas are just captivating Doorways did/does that to me i see them everywhere ( they are everywhere!).....i may be going into windows soon.....or they may stay on the page in colour who knows.............
and doing the sketchbook project has been, is fascinaiting, many themes does one person, one life have.....i am priveliged to watch people move and see their themes develop, return, etc

i am back on old themes from when i started to dance and sat on buses crossing London, sketching and  making sheets of colour with oil pastels in a sketchbook and here i am again....

 i went on Daniela's teacher Franki's website ( yesterday morning and was thrilled to find "flocking " i've been told of "shoaling" but i like the image of flight and had called it flocking and some how connect with that more easily (A past show had a film of the starlings flocking over marazion marshes by Phil)..
the idea of "giveaway" which is behind my faith in showing work, performance, not keeping it close to you, giving it away, sharing, giving back, honouring, thanking, learning from each other....
the sketchbooks are a fantastic may ever look at it, there are thousands, but it stands as a part of a living witness, fun, serious, detailed, sketchy, entertaining? none of that is dictated to you...

the way art speaks to you, allows things to emerge, which is why it can be used therapeutically, but where it is symbolic, childish, in the real sense, play is serious, also the fool - light hearted -, truth can turn the world upside down, you can see things afresh, anew, through someone elses eyes.....
we are more that the sum of the parts, Wolfgang also says that in an interview, ( i linked on a previous blog)...
the BSL sign for truth
we are taught and love some of the signs, they can be so universal to our culture, (we laugh as we learn in the lessons we attend ) everyone understands some language of gesture, gestural language, spontaneity, adaption to the moment, where do we meet? freedom and discipline.....

i now treat workshop as my art form, ( see following quote) so i never quite know what i'm going to do; (scary?!) i know what i want to acheive in terms of commitment, opportunity, but i do not know how we'll get there, whether we'll go somewhere else, what everyone else will bring to it, the best things often come from the participants, not me, we are on a journey, a time together, to create, trust, play, speak, move, process to product, but trust the process, i have to do this as well, partly they have to trust me/ each other/ the process we are in it together?!

"The artistic results are authentic because they are participant led and high quality because they are artist guided....................................
We believe that Workshop is an arts practice in its own right – a 21st century form with unrealised potential for experiential learning, collective creativity and individual transformation. "

Tom is coming in to film the process and Colin pointed out it's happening now any small thing that works maybe used and built on, it's all part of it and i have to hone my observation skills, hard now when so much talent flying around... and where to take it, how to develop, constant challenge, and asking everyone to increase their observational skills...
it needs to be fun, is something i heard myself say over and over again to an old colleague, i enjoy it as well it's a mutual process and requires effort from us all...
better stop rambling.......
off to make and bake buns for birthdays ( Demelza's 20th) and get ready for work in main co today,....
Adrian Bossey from The Performance Centre said how Mike Shephard of Kneehigh observed how many good ideas come from around the table and i wonder if we are so close in the main co as we eat ( our packed lunches) together, share cake on birthdays etc....
food is all about symbolism, sharing, care, generousity and very much in the Celtic tradition

so enjoying casting off some of the worry re big bids that sat on my shoulder all summer, whispering to me! i'm waiting to hear from another one for Falmouth i need to do, but am free these last week or two to think art..oooh fun and Ollie let us visit the Tate, and i wanted to dance and .......
off to work
what a previlige, i heard a friend describe nursing as a previlige the other day, working with people at depth is...........................

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