So ..the fun of arriving yesterday to a screening of Chris and Barbara's edit of Doorways so far, beautiful opening sequence and images and the articulation of members interviewed. we really enjoyed it and it opened the door that was stuck in my mind as to how to go forward with next years plans for funding applications. We had a circle and the ideas and wealth of talent and goodwill are amazing and so "onwards and upwards". The circle is such a part of Shallal and although long winded for some people it allows me to hear the company and then informs all that i see and plan within rehearsal and performances. It is really collaborative and often the suggestions and ideas that make me groan and sound too much/too difficult/too challenging.. are by far the best!
Having created Godolphin and Mousehole at the same time under pressure, the overwhelming sense is to develop, go further with Doorways which had been an original 2 year vision of mine and we can incorporate all the other art collaborations with in it. So now have to formulate plan of action and budgets but all good, and we will have a short film and a macquet photography book by Andy to support it and show to people.
Barbara will be working on her Phd which sounds fascinaiting, i need to ask her again the exact title.
One last session next week then we break till September, thank you to everyone for an amazing term.
Zoe uploaded some of her photos yesterday:
Flo gets her own set of photos (with Rory and Eddie) |
Debs in that boat again, Venice comes to Mousehole! |
The meeting took a long time but we still had time to create new work!
Giles and Colin, - Giles feedback is he likes dancing with the women and Colin! |
Trevor asked to dance with Zoe a while ago and there was a lovely gentle humour between them |
Eddie and Debs..Debs commented she didin't realise how long Eddie's legs were, surprised by how high maybe!
Eddie studies art full time next term , (but we hope to continue working together on Wednesday in Falmouth ) and this was a good duet! |
Elaine and Demelza, Elaine was pleased to be out of Edwardian costume, she has been behind a poem a lot of the time in the shows, and really enjoyed dancing with Demelza who came on her first visit - we look forward to working with her. |
Rory and Anna, whirling like the wind! |
Looking forward to next year with Shallal!!! It's been great to be back with you. Thank you for posting the pics of that dance with Demelza - was amazing and energising for me.