line and movement captured at a good point in Zoe and Anna, contrasting enclosed and reach |
So thanks to Dawn Stevens for many lovely photos..here are just a selection.
I have some thoughts going on with photography at the moment;
1. To learn more about it..had good conversation with our "resident/visiting" photographer Andy yesterday and he is going to lend me a History of American Photography book.
I have a rough overview of visual art, my husband is a painter and many friends are artists, but i know very little about photography. My brother and his wife work in wildlife film and my nephew but i don't know much..
2.What do i look for in photographs?
3. Get other members of Shallal to choose the photographs we upload..everyone has a different eye and we can do that on Monday afternoons.
continuing the conversation about photographs the dancer in me looks for line, intent etc..nice lines angles here, against sparse background, in contrast to distant moving figure and foliage, symbolic gesture( love symbolism- image speaks but reads differently to different viewers) |
shared moment , humour , character... |
lines and we haven't many photos of this piece difficult setting to capture, so want to share it |
Kerry's sense of line/focus even in a tricky lift |
showing audience, performers and setting |
i like how varied we are as a group and take it for granted until i go elsewhere. |
waiting to perform, looks like a painting or....? everyones focus /gaze, stillness, different grounds/depth |
captured moment, humour, expression, action |
flying through the door! |
totally different poses |
drama; Kerry's stretch with a crow! |
just the joy and relationship of Rory and Marjorie dancing together |
Michael has the ability to always make me chuckle/laugh and his confidence increased through the shows, i like the colours and their costume.
Big thank you to all who help with costume.
Thanks to Jude and Miracle theatre company- Wendy our fiddle player was dressed in their last leading ladies costume! Michael had a shirt and waist coat, and much more.
(Who knows a blue sea creature may turn up in Mousehole!)
Thank you also to members of the company with dress costume /skills who willing look out and share their wardrobes so everyone looks good. |
when i do these blogs in less of a rush you may get the photographs in sequence in which case this would be first!
like the expressions, movement captured moment |
this was a big piece and these are to give some sense of it, and audience and peformers |
Toby's creature and streamer were very effective, and you can see Eddie's Neptune costume, mermaids and chorus |
this was a very strong piece many people commented on it, but hard to capture, so it's here as a record to give an idea of it, 3 of the other previous photos come from it |
I haven't blogged about HFC Monday yet but this was the piece we took to it.. |
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