I think this might have to take a letter form!
So much going on:
I went to London to Wolfgang's funeral and wake. Thank you to all involved for such a moving and special time. Somehow you only begin to clearly see what someone has given and done when they are no longer with us and the depth of his life, love and influence are immense. It felt good to reach out to others who had worked with him as well, especially people he had mentioned..more another time maybe.
Our trustees have been busy supporting us and we have a new Stepping Stones Project and 2 jobs advertised.
Two freelance contracts funded by Shallals new Arts Council ‘Stepping Stones’ project are now online on the Cornwall Voluntary Sector Forum website. The links are below. Please would you share these links with your networks as widely as possible.
The community groups are going well Penzance Open House now has up to 29 participants! Thanks to The Henry Smith Charity funding
Shallal Dance Theatre has welcomed new members and is now about 30. We don't all turn up at the same time! some are busier or have more health struggles than others!
We had another Members Meeting last night with goods representation from across Shallal and a core group of interested people. It's moving to see everyones enthusiasm and the trustees enjoying being more connected into the grass roots conversations, which i can take for granted. We have always created work from all our interests and skills. Some of the most dynamic music in our next show is suggested by the dancers, we all enrich each other.
So we have 2 similar but different shows.
Again maybe that needs a whole blog of its own if i have the time. I'm trying not to work into the quiet hours of life but i'm not sure that is possible with a large family/household. It hasn't really quietened down just changed. I'm 62 soon.
We talked about a Shallal Ball!and how long we have been around - numbers aren't my strength but many say it's now Shallal's 40th year, but i think we had a year or two off while i gave birth to Michael and Anna our third and fourth children and we had run out of money and steam our administrator moved away etc.
Anyway i had I suggested we have a Shallal Ball ( any excuse to overdress and dance! ) to celebrate when everyone was back out and about after the pandemic, it has taken a while but we are all back now, however i'm not sure i have access to a free venue anymore - we shall see.
So two shows, one with BSL, at The Ladder, Redruth.
Exhibition changed in Proper Job Cafe County Hall.
Joining in two open to the public events at Krowji May and July dates coming soon.
3 exhibitions planned this year
2 at Grow Box Cafe, Krowji
Peter Willis (my good friend, partner, husband )- August open event 22 August 4-7pm
Eddie Callis and Kyle Coleman ( good friends, both musicians and artists ) - October
the other at Portmeor Studios, Borlase Smart, St Ives
Anna Willis and Zoe Osmond ( good friends and were in Shallal 2 together for years before going on to uni and now art graduates) early September
New Podcast out..https://youtu.be/7nXlYbQTNGQ?si=Q66_jh67ye809xGA
i added up the hours it takes and I'm not sure i have those to spare very often, but have a few people i'm keen to talk to so hopefully more coming on the theme of Journeys. It was joy to sit and listen in detail to Colin and learn about Akong Rinpoche's love, humility, humour, compassion and service.I can't do it justice, do listen to it.