Monday 10 June 2024

Farewell to Lou and Phoebe

Phoebe pointing to studio door when we first opened
Lou and i are there and somewhere, i have the full photo,
 but that needs another archiving session to find quickly!


Farewells - many thanks to Lou Brett and Phoebe Barnicoat
for their hard work, inspiration, creativity and support for all, while establishing Shallal's Studio at Krowji, and for all the extra behind the scenes work.
We will miss them and are sad to see them go, but wish them all the best for their new ventures which include and we hope to continue working together.

Checkout Janet Hollands amazing Hospital Rooms commission that they organised and supported.
Studio Use
We are trialling opening out access to our Studio space this summer,
encouraging artists who can work without support or bring their own support,
 to enable artists to develop their own practice, as well as expanding collaborations and explorations across art forms,
do contact us if you are interested at present Mondays, Fridays, weekends and evenings are available.
to discuss this contact
Jo Willis via

 Lots going on as ever

 "it was wonderful to have Shallal as a key part of the Winter Festival and I absolutely loved the performance and the artworks involved. was really nice to hear that you had such a good experience with George and Cassie; I know how much working with you and Shallal meant to them and we all look forward to collaborating more in the future!"

needing to share nice email that came in a while ago from Tate StIves .

We had a fun AGM , yes they can be fun!... see our post...

Last week I in started at the Studio with the Thursday group a real pleasure to be there.

Kyle is offering to create wonderful bespoke merchandise, bags and tea towels, when he works with Tony Minnion ( Eddies Dad, Redruth Press)

Colin has had his hip operation and should be hopping back soon, meanwhile it's also a joy to cover Friends and Dancing for him and see old friends.

We have a performance coming up on 12 June @ 5.15pm if the weather is fine
some of Shallal 2 and friends 

and a stall there with art work for sale, as the exhibition came down today.

Janice is installing art work from a project at Curnow School.

We have new 'show' coming soon 

and hope to be at Mazey Day, Penzance, Blue Light Day and more!