After a year we get to enjoy the beautiful film Bobby made from Connecting Forms...
Thanks and more info below the film.
Grateful thanks to George at the Tate as when she asked who we would like to work with it happened, Matthew and Bobby!
What can i say?
Most people who know Shallal have heard me talk of Wolfgang some have travelled to meet him in London or met him on zoom in the pandemic.
Meeting Sapphire Sumpter evoked a connection again, through the pandemic via zoom, which was never lost but not very active, greetings over the years, Christmas cards (i love them for keeping us lightly in touch ) and a visit years ago, but i never could afford or spare time to go London* and we had a dream to get Wolfgang here via Hall for Cornwall and training early this year, but he had already started to have declining health so sadly it was put on hold and never happened.
Thank you to Ali at Turtle Key arts through whom i heard about his parting on the following morning, it helps, comforts, to have some details, as i was considering visiting him tomorrow!
* i did go once when Shallal first became a charity, someone offered me training expenses and i went to watch Amici's tribute to Hilda Holger, my teachers teacher.
So i can't say much, I love him as a person: an inspiration, one of the most humble loving souls i have encountered, Wolfgang showed me humility, honesty, fragility as strength and love in action. I cherished the time i spent with him running around London from class to class watching in awe and for once i was quite quiet!
he was and is my yardstick
when you come out of as session think, 'what have you learnt?'
He brought joy, fun, depth and community of the heart.
Meeting him could quietly change your life and he claimed nothing, just told you another story!
there are some on here...https://youtu.be/dajN4pELOQU?si=jXg4jsCSM4ThePsC
I have been blessed to know (early on in my career) three amazing story tellers: Wolfgang, John Miller the artist and Fr Benedict a priest, all changed lives by walking alongside others.
Wolfgang https://www.amicidance.org/about/drop2-2
John Miller https://www.messums.com/artists/view/49/John_Miller
Fr. Benedict https://www.comae.org.uk/about-us/our-story/
Everyones story is a lesson, a meeting, a privilege, many thanks to everyone.
'so much going on' as i keep saying, that nowadays the blog is not always up to date,
the instagram account is so please do follow us there for more information in real time...
Krowji Christmas Open Studios
Big thank you to Helen and Therese, now such an established part of so much of Shallal, for decorating, tidying, meeting, greeting, introducing explaining, and Helen for beautiful varied exhibition.
250 visitors
and Colin has made a wonderful map, we hope to share soon, so we can show where our sessions/groups are and explain the range of opportunities Shallal provides.
Shallal Studio Artists Sharing
quick view onflowers by Karen Mitchell
Eden Harrison
Erin Gatrell-Armstrong
Karen Mitchell
Mads de Lord
Laura Godwin
Zoe Wilton
Jason Morris
Janet Holland
Steve Clark
Julia Wonnacott
Rita Baker
Sam While
New Film from BLW residency
Shallal Dance Theatre dancers in Daniel's installation
Thank you George https://youtu.be/bndcMC2Mzls
Every so often, a few years or more ago, i mentioned elephants in this blog ( i went to Tsavo, Kenya to visit Mark and Vicky and see their camp in the bush and new home ) and i have interviewed my brother Mark as the first person on our 'Passing on Passmore' podcasts...
so i return to that theme in a personal way.
My sister-in-law Vicky died on Sunday night and leaves an extraordinary legacy.
I followed her career, obviously, but as with many busy successful people, i'm not sure she followed mine!
However many years ago now, about twenty or so i think, she and my brother did come to see one of our shows at the Acorn theatre and she said one of the nicest things ever in the interval.
I passed her and she said she was enjoying it and as she was always forthright she asked,
" Which dancers have disabilities?"
i said, "can't you see?"
"no" she said
"great," i said "thats how it should be" and "i'm not telling you, as they are all really good."
We carry on making art, trying to aspire to access and equity, listening, changing, developing ,holding fast to our ethos but also challenging ourselves, society, community, it's an ongoing dynamic, not static, we like to dance, move respond, 'in'joy, to dance through this life in companionship, in art.
I have a note in my diary to make sure i post Ellen's blog link.
Thank you Ellen.
Do read it...
I think it echoes well what Vicky's comment pointed to, we are here for a good experience for everyone, not just one section of society/community, we are all of value, all need support, opportunity. By putting those people who might need more support at the centre, heart of it all, we radiate support for everyone, and we share our gifts, and enable everyone to give, to be seen. Shallal is just an option, it doesn't suit everyone, but those who stay feel it.
*The end of Ellen's blog
What have I taken away with me?
Individuals hold endless potential, there just needs to be a space in which to access this.
Providing structure and a framework for creativity that allows for freedom and expression can enable beautiful, cohesive art without limiting artists through demands for long-term focus, memory, energy, repetition, and movement that entangle ableist ideas of what art is.
Establishing positive reinforcement for creativity through listening and, critically, acting on feedback and suggestions that allow for the artists or community members to lead their own practice.
Bridging practice, including around socio-political and cultural conversations, to individual interests and potentials enables equitable engagement and community involvement that actively envelopes and celebrates diversity.
Shallal has expanded and although i hear the news from groups and artists it is so much more than i can pay homage to or record fully and yet i don't want to miss capturing them so...
After Anna's exhibition we have the shared Studio Artists Exhibition which came so closely after October Back Lane West i knew i had set us a 'task'.
We managed so well collectively collecting work and i called it a 'Showing' not an exhibition as wasn't sure till the last how we were presenting the varied work. The beautiful high ceiling of Grow box cafe enables you to hang more work and also need to find someone tall enough to reach ...thank you to Kerry's husband Warren for 'stepping up' and helping us at the end of his day, and to Colin for coming back again.
It's a lovely show i hope you get to see it.
Good news that Eden plans a solo show in St Ives this summer, her work is compelling and beautiful. We hope they do turn her pictures into card and prints for everyone to enjoy.
Honor Cicely Crane had a residency in our studio the first of many independent artists, we hope, using the studio.
"Dear Shallal,Thank you kindly for offering me your electric studio over the October half-term holiday. I thoroughly enjoyed my weekend in Redruth and the opportunity to exercise my creative ideas in your spacious studio. After graduating from art-school, I have faced multiple challenges in securing a space to explore and develop my practice within. I feel very grateful for Shallal’s generosity and it enabling my practice by allowing me to revisit ideas and progress them in an inspiring space."
Mel plans to use it in the Christmas Holidays and we have six new artists join our groups recently.
Helen is also taking it over for a solo show in the Christmas Open Studios at Krowji.
Many thanks to Helen and Therese for re painting white our colourful ( from dripping paint ) walls.
Homage to a friend 24.10.24
Andrew Brown
Today we received the news of the departing of an old friend and as we remembered so many stories of such a humble, loving, sensitive, serving man,. I immediately thought of a piece of performance we created that he was pivotal in.
So that is why i turn to this blog and as well as wonderful, family and friendship stories, there flood in how he quietly helped Shallal. How he willingly became a trustee for a short time when we first became a charity and was always quietly supportive with wise gentle insights when asked for.
So back to the performance, as always, she has always kept us on our toes, agile, inquisitive, I was looking for a platform to showcase Zoe's dance skills, that would stretch her and give her visibility, and I thought of Andrew. Why? Because one of his many and main talent was music he had studied in Cremona, Italy, the home of violin making for seven years learning Italian and how to make violins, https://www.myluthier.co/post/violin-making-in-cremona
He was often seen cycling along the seaside 'prom' in Penzance with his cello strapped to his back. He would often sit and improvise for us and had an innate sensitivity. So we asked him if he would play for Zoe, at the same time i met Victoria Field who had just finished a poetry residency in Truro Cathedral and her poems were beautiful, insightful and, again, sensitive. So then we had a trio and then we needed space. We had no funds for it so we asked local churches to be our venue and toured to three! It suited the quiet, respectful, beauty and peace.
Thank you to Andrew for sharing his love of music, for his sensitivity as a musician and a person and his innate, kindness and generousity. He moved into a care home a few years ago as he had increasing dementia and Parkinsons, however his brother recalls that he still would sense when someone was unhappy and just go and hold their hand.
All the best communication with him was within silence and stillness. He was also an Alexander teacher.https://alexandertechnique.com/
We are considering doing some dance pop ups inspired by him and his care for others.
Which could link into our new On Board project...more soon
Women of Cornwall