Sunday, 26 March 2023

Passmore Edwards notes

at the end of the afternoon in front of the restored sculpture and Writers Block installation

We love Passmore Edwards.

He is a man who gave back

Who from childhood " wanted to be useful"

He tried things and failed, learnt from them and carried on

He always worked for ideas he believed in

He remained close to his roots

at the end of his life he'd earnt a lot of money and he didn't keep it for himself and his family

he gave nearly all of it away,

carefully overseeing all the projects

In his time it was: free access to libraries, literacy, care for those who are recovering from illness, those living with epilepsy etc, water, housing, arts, technology ( lighthouses that never got built)

However what we want to ask is, if he was alive now what would he do? what would he care about? spend his time, care and resources on..?

and if you could be a 'philanthropist' what would you DO NOW: for our futures? what do you care about?

He was being useful all his life, not just when he had money.

Notes made for Friday 24 March and spoken at showing the restored plaster bust of Passmore Edwards at The Ladder.

Thank you to Chinks for the photos
I'm quite amused at Passmore Edwards looking down on me!


Friday, 24 March 2023

Spotlight TV and thanks with Shallal & artists credits


We we were on Spotlight TV!

Congratulations and thank you to The Writers Block, Dean Evans, The Ladder, Redruth Library and all who created the morning.



Thank you to Shallal to all the many artists who make it and those who help us on our way.

It is a great blessing to work with generous, kind, creative people and I am always reminded of it when faced with events with multiple layers.

From today  

Colin running around enabling:

Billy Wynter to make the puppet structures and heads

Justine Thorgood to dress and decorate the puppets, with input

Eddie, Toby, Caleb and Colin for papering it

Toby for painting the portrait heads and Colin for final touches

Tony Minnion for photographing, printing and creating the banners

from paintings by Sam While, Becky Smith, Tina Butler, Bobby Johnson, Eddie Callis

and designs by Bobby and Colin

Textile banner by Toby Bridge


Jo Lumber, Jilly Hemann, Kerry Tomlinson and Debbie Udy O'Nyons

Signing, Demelza for Lighthouse poem


Star, Miles, Debs, Tina, Jilly, Kerry and Kerry, Mel, Toby, Becky,  Barbara ( welcome first performance with us) and's late - i might have forgotten someone

Photos and film George and Bobby

Karen for sharing her art work and inspiring Mel ( a pair to work together in Back Lane West maybe)

Support Melanie Stokes

oh and our 'sailing' puppeteers Colin & Jo L

waiting backstage

We look forward to next Wednesday at Falmouth Library, Mr and Mrs Passmore will be there to Meet & Greet those attending Dean Evans talk 2.30pm

Friday at Kehelland Hall, performance 11.30am for Kehelland Centre

Tuesday, 21 March 2023

Friday Passmore's Birthday!

Just a regular day at Shallal yesterday... 🤣 ....from Jo Lumber!
Mrs Passmore no head - material design/making by Justine with input from Shallal artists

Mr Passmore head only!

structure by Billy Wynter, decorating by Shallal artists and detail by Toby and a little extra by Colin

Getting ready for Friday 

Passing on Passmore - poster made by Bobby Johnson in response to- what would you do now? 

Shallal artists have created past and present banners and Tony Minnion is busy getting them printed for us!

also placards and posters ..
this one is by Becky


Friday, 17 March 2023

Knitted Together Festival, Passmore Pass it On and Thom watching Thom!

 Knitted Together are having a celebratory festival weekend at Back Lane West...

and excited for Friday 

Passmore Puppets nearing completion and already attracting attention, wonderful placards and banners being created and costume coming together.

Shallal Sketchbooks ready for another outing and we hope to see you out and about soon.

Double Trees School Arts Lab project and more happening.

Nice news shared by Liskeard group


"Our last session was inspired by our walks and what we see on them, then we watched a film Lois made a while ago called Living it Loving it, in which people danced in their favourite outdoor space, that Thomas danced in, so this is Thom watching Thom! "

Friday, 3 March 2023

Heads, 2 New team members, Knitted Together, & Access

 A lot going on!

Ten years ago whilst writing an Arts Council bid for Doorways ( we go it third attempt! many thanks to all involved in that ) Dot asked me about Shallal continuing and developing and the aim was for succession and Shallal to be independent of me. I was 50 then, I'm nearly 60 now, and I know if I stopped now Shallal would continue, which is a great joy!

Thank you to the whole moveable feast team of the ship Shallal for consolidating and developing Shallal through your gifts, enthusiasm and understanding.

So that was a musing as i realise we need another newsletter soon, as there is again so much going on.

I want to share Passmore Edwards heads! Mr & Mrs... Colin, Toby, Eddie and Caleb began papering this afternoon.

they have to be ready before 24 March! lots to do 
made by Billy Wynter, to be decorated by Shallal artists

                                                     Zoe and Bobby on our team!

Zoe Wilton
Shallal Founding member,
Consultant & Cross Art form adviser.

Bobby Johnson
Artist in Residence Shallal Dance Theatre

                                         see more info on

Huge thanks to Claire Mayle, as she starts a new job, and has left such a good legacy in Shallal Sketchbooks.

Knitted Together Festival on the 18th and 19th March at Back Lane West, Redruth

wonderful workshops and events to join and celebrate this project, more info coming soon.

Recent meetings with: Morwenna the new director of Falmouth Art Gallery, Jack from Feast and composer Matt Thomason were a pleasure and looking forward to a meeting at The Ladder next week.

Our event schedule is filling up and starts on the 24th but more about that soon 

This evening Sapphire, Dylan and George were at 

International Women’s Day Charity Cabaret

despite - The theatre is fully accessible and has an induction loop and state-of-the-art air filtration and extraction systems installed.

sadly there is a new 'raised' stage so Shallal Dance Theatre couldn't perform - access is also for  performers.

Dylan & Sapphire     photo by George

introduction notes 

I’ll be creating an 
improvised soundscape 
for Sapphire 
and Dylan’s 
improvised dance 
2nd act, 2nd half.

The 3 of us know each other through the brilliant Shallal Community Dance Theatre which I’ve been a part of 
for over 10 years. 
Dylan is my son!

(Shallal were invited to participate, but:
1) this show runs at a 
frenetic pace 
2) our members are rich with additional needs 
3) the stage is not accessible 
for all…
So Shallal had to sadly decline)

I’m writing to give you 
some idea, some possible prompts regarding 
what we 3 are up to!

We will step out onto the stage with very little idea of what will happen next! 
We have ‘rehearsed‘ just once 
to form a very loose framework for our 4 minute window!

If the audience should know anything beyond our names 
and how we know each other through Shallal,  
it should be that:

We all are
going about to join together 
in something that’s purely improvised. 
As new to us as it will be to you!