So many ways in - to work! ( these are notes i will return to edit them )
much of it is instinctive...
lets start with the beginning
The environment
you and the space
How are you? try to be aware, don't bring 'baggage' to the time, be honest and be there for others
Phil and i used to give ourselves 5 mins download on the way into work, we both had young children at the time, so life was hectic.
How is your health? mental, physical, psychological, emotional, faith, etc....develop some good start the day routines and support networks...and ....
Trust the process, as long as you can be there and get out of the way! ie: Yesterday for various reasons i nearly didn't work the evening but i got there and all went well, it was a joy!
Respect is key, everyone deserves respect and understanding.
I have sliding scale 1-10 if i hit 10 i can't communicate! so i try to catch myself between 3-7 warning lights i'm not happy with a dynamic and need to do/say something
Reflective practice: what did i learn? what could i do better next time?
Joy fun is infectious... if you like the activity, if you like the people...
Welcome: always meet and greet and begin and end as clearly as possible
if needed chat to people to get understanding before or after, be available, i personnally don't communicate much out of sessions, i leave work in work, but am available if needed to support attendance/development etc but not as a norm
a good session is sufficient and other things grow from it, outside it
so that's you and more and now The Space
it has to accessible
you need to check it carefully and know it
Risk Assessment made and shared
but also just Session activity awareness and peoples needs, move things and point out nicely if needed
In the moment is your key tool, in time you gain confidence in this
each space brings its own dynamic and gifts, use it, pillars, flooring
Last night we are in a church with... pillars, chairs stacked, took some to use for props and to cover ridges in floor for safety, aisle to be moved down - all sorts
Use the space
Position yourself well, where you can see entrance and exits and people best ( learnt this from working in big institutions and important personnel and group safety)
The Space and People are your materials ( as is the music/props/materials in dance/art )
you - space - people are a triangle and this lands into a square with suggestions/materials
Inclusive communication, recognition, respect
The person has made an effort, they are there in the room. This might be all they can manage or even for them to stay might be a huge effort. It is person centred but also community, Third Way Patrick Geddes, really helps with this: not all collective, not all individualisation and this dynamic has some ground rules but also is in the moment. Person and Community
The person has come to a community group.
when suggesting an activity only say what's needed 'less is more' and let people say if they can't follow watch body language and responses and adapt eg.simplify explanation or answer their confusion
Offer inclusive ways to be involved and adapt your suggestions so everyone can be involved/included, don't do something you can't adapt, this is where your creativity comes in and the challenge is for you, not the participants, you are paid to run an inclusive session, it's your responsibility for them to feel ok, we all can often feel challenged and uncomfortable in creativity, so your job is to help with that! and make it accessible, fun and possible! - high ideals - see artist statement!!
but don't damp down, just simplify or expand parameters, your aim is for everyone to develop and stretch themselves, including us, we are all learning. exploring together but you are there for them and your good feeling is an extra but also a necessary component - paradox - hold both!
don't over focus on someone, let them go at their pace/timing, but also offer encouragement - these are the in the moment decisions.
Somewhere else on this blog is
Structure Stimulus Suggestion
Enjoyment Enthusiasm Ecstasy
Returning to Workshop
the dynamics and components of your art form
the skills, strengths, interests and areas to stretch of the participants
observation is key as there is nearly always something going on to build on and it's a collaboration of your interests and theirs
you need enough structure to fall/rest back on and also be able and willing to let got of it to follow something more interesting the group is giving you, it's a collaborative dance of structure and spontaneity
Have a good day!
The above doesn't go into detail as i feel if the philosophy/attitude is good then the rest follows... i'm always happy to chat detail or examples and session structure
Also each of us facilitates from ourselves "Be Yourself" is advice i've heard from 2 inspiring sources.