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'Caring in green' photo by Steve Tanner Kerry & Debs Shallal Dance Theatre In a recent meeting we were discussing what Shallal has done and supports, so i felt this should be added to our blog |
" ......The CEE bill - West Cornwall is going to present the open letter to Derek Thomas MP this Friday - earth day. 22nd April. We would love it if a member or two from Shallal could join us to hand it over?... Especially as Shallal were one of the early sign ups to the letter."
Dear Supporters,
We just wanted to send a massive thank you to each of you for signing our open letter to Derek Thomas MP, asking him to support the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill.You are in good company, your signature joins over 80 others from organisations across the St Ives Constituency including schools, business, town and parish councils, artists, church groups, farmers and a Mayor or two! Go here https://www.transitionpenwith.org.uk/cee-bill-for-organisations/
and scroll down to see everyone represented on our "wall of fame"
If you were an early signatory, you will know the open letter started before the pandemic. Since then support for the CEE Bill has steadily grown - 188 councils across the UK, 31 Peers and 120 MP's now back the bill. Now its time we ask our representative in parliament to join them.
I'm pleased to tell you that we have an appointment to see Derek tomorrow, on Earth Day, 22nd April to hand over the letter. Pirate Radio will be covering the story and the Packet newspaper have ran an article you can see here
We are expecting more media coverage on the day, as you can imagine, we are very keen to show the strength of your support for the CEE Bill and its importance for us here in West Cornwall, protecting the natural landscape, our health and security.
Derek cares about his constituency members and what we want. He has been open to discussing the bill and many of you have contacted him about it. We need to continue the conversations and let him know that we are determined to keep the CEE Bill on the table until it becomes law. Please consider dropping him a line next week asking him how he feels about receiving the letter and whether he will commit to supporting the Bill. You can contact him here https://www.derekthomas.org/contact
You can find out the most up to date information about the bill and its journey through parliament here
We are keeping the petition running for the time being, we want to continue gathering signatures from the individuals across West Cornwall, so their voices can also be heard. You can help by contacting the individuals within your organisations and asking them to sign the petition. Here is the link
Finally don't forget to visit the CEE Bill Alliance - West Cornwall facebook page here
Once again, thank you all.
We are so chuffed! Together we can make a difference, our voices are amplified and the message is clear. We need the CEE Bill to give us hope and help safeguard the future of the planet and its people.
With every good wish
Lesley Bradley
for CEE Bill Alliance - West Cornwall Team