Wonderful Zoom session today!
The joy of being connected and seeing old friends Tracy and Cath at Park View Centre, Helston where we are projected on to the wall and today our projectors arrive - they have been late in coming but - now we will have the capacity to project!
Looking forward to sharing the fabulous array of artistic expression and styles people have embraced in our Hands theme.
Now we are aiming to finish HANDS and move onto Colour - RED next week.
More Zoom as storm Eunice caused the cancellation of our Showcase and Sharing event...great to be together with zoom friends again and plans to create zoom films together.
A lot goes on behind then scenes new project funding Studios and Sketchbooks consolidating and developing all the time.
and a request to look forwards,
to imagine 10 years time
my writings went in this direction...
Good practice is throughout Shallal relationships the care and concern, politeness, positive communication and respect is maintained and role modelled within the inner organisation as well as the public facing.
Shallal has a fully inclusive (comms) throughout …..skilled BSL and Makaton and Audio description, captioning etc all inclusive communications readily available and is able to work well with people in these (often marginalised) communities
Shallal has a strong input ( outreach) and can work in all its groups with people with high level of support needs and has changing place in its studio/s, venues
Shallal has positive real relationships with other leading arts organisations which are also full accessible/inclusive and kind etc and continues to foster these
Shallal has/is survived/ing the global crisis we are entering and has been a leader/servant in new and positive ideas and ways of working - we can’t see into this, we just need to be prepared and watching reading the signs of the times
Shallal has a just equal/equity/ (highly skilled) and kind structure throughout.
With this in mind we have most if not all our groups sustained by ‘clean’ money and or our local communities - utopia! - Developed social prescribing parish councils local businesses communities model - from Imagine If
People working in Shallal have a reasonable wage and are not overly worried about their income, so they feel valued and can concentrate on the work. People work to their strengths and skills and are supported
We have accessible beautiful areas to work in outdoors, ie. outdoor studio performance space which are - a present wish for many people
Our ‘social’ venues are in the positive hearts of our communities.
People continue to see Shallal as part of their lives and there is a good succession development arts access throughout…it remains flexible and inviting and able to accommodate and help artists develop
It sustains it’s aesthetic standard and truly works across art forms and has music, voice, word, sculpture etc Art forms also available
There are good accessible platforms and opportunities for audience engagement,
Shallal continues to be responsive to the people and may have completely changed it’s purpose and role if necessary…
Shallal has modelled and shown the value of people and their contribution and has positively affected societies thinking - things such as downs syndrome late abortion, (genocide)
Shallal has made positive impact on people living in supported living, who now don’t have difficulty accessing Shallal …Trevor Hill fund
Shallal continues to be able to work with people as long as they wish to be involved.
Shallal is attractive to artists, educators and its way of working is seen as complimentary and has impacted the way the arts are delivered and viewed…Shallal continues to expand explore and develop arts practices
Shallal has a wonderful regenerative vision and impact - planet.
Shallal stays humble, rooted and not overly concerned with how others view them but answerable to our own ethos.
We still have fun, take our selves lightly and give and receive joy.
Shallal sustains and develops its symbiotic vibe!
Supportive friendships already happening continue and develop and people feel community support and its manifestation ie gig buddies…circles of support
How do people and families we know continue after parents /carers die etc
Shallal attracts and enables younger facilitators/artists who develop it in wonderful ways in keeping with its vision
Has delivered a residency /festival/event celebrating and thanking Wolfgang of Amici with Sapphire as his vision enabled Shallal
Shallal has engaged positively with training and education students to show /develop accessible models
We are not complacent or self congratulatory
Lou has added this to a bigger document and Shallal is much more than my thoughts and vision now, so hope to share that edited and refined sometime, it's gone to process with Jess.
Excited to work with Manda Brookman on a 'Charter for Change' inspired b https://www.volunteercornwall.org.uk/climate-action-plan
and lots of interesting creative conversations, my favourites are Toilets* and Beavers..watch this space.
Date for Trevors Tea Dance on it's way!
from Zoe, ipad art! wonderful layers of colour.
* Toilets
Shallal are advocates for Changing Spaces and are deeply sad to know 2 local hubs who had their supportive plans to install one fail at the final point and sad to work at one vibrant developing space/venue which so far is disinterested in installing one! ...
we keep going...
any of could be disabled by accident or illness and need to use one, it's not for 'others' its for all of us!
eco compost loos
toilet twinning
Public toilets nearby. Please note that most public toilets in Cornwall have seasonal opening times and require users to pay.