just found this in my inbox
save the dates Amici's next show!
"Amici Dance Theatre Company will hopefully celebrate their 40th anniversary with a full company show "Amici's One World" on the main stage at the Lyric Theatre Hammersmith 20-23 May 2020, with over 80 disabled and non disabled performers from all over the world on stage."
The 23rd May is also XR's date in London and i'm feeling the need to stand up for what i believe in for our society and the bigger picture, and so who knows a double reason for a London visit?

and our alignment and all the gifts and connections and actions everyone in the room brings to it.
Zo described how her family, when the children were young, planted trees which are now grown into a shelter break and more trees are currently being planted behind them.
Make a collage of people tree planting etc
tree planting
Star friends who are activists ie Wool against weapons https://www.woolagainstweapons.co.uk/?page_id=1090. Greenham Common.
Isha Foundation: Project Greenhands
A Band of Brothers - people working on themselves
"We encourage and facilitate young men towards developing a healthy connection to their communities through acting with the emotional literacy, confidence and respect that comes through healthy self-esteem and self-awareness
The mission of the Trust is to magnify the Kogis’ voice, to help them defend their culture and its territorial integrity and to learn from them how to better protect the planet which we all share.
Trythall School, Eden Project and National Trust working to locally preserve longhorn bees http://kernowecology.co.uk/eucera.html
care and respect for the planet, for the environment, to tread lightly on the earth, buy local, plant as many trees as possible, seed bombs, guerilla gardening
planting trees
plant more flowers for the bees
local bee gardens, generations getting involved , rediscovering forgotten things, wisdom, reconnect with them and therefore nature, visiting Findhorn soon. Tairon message. Global village online talks - will try to source correct link
XR (Extinction Rebellion) started October 2018, very exciting.
Concerned for our use of all sorts of things, not to waste. Attends Penzance XR.
Strongly think to work on ourselves as much as possible
Help with what has been mentioned and to consider disabilities and asthma
Conversations about inclusion in XR philosophy and practice,
the police confiscation of accessible portaloos before the last event - which led into the closing of local Cornish council toilets! the affect of this on those with unseen disabilities, the young and older, all of us!! Possible performances outside closed toilets! with red noses.
Jo Suggested we bring these conversations into lunchtime sharing ( just as health, art, personnel news, creative reflection and ideas are in our morning sharing) focusing on the positive of what is being done and what we can support ( some of us in Shallal suffer from anxiety and we don't need to dwell on the negative, but celebrate and support positive change!)
Colin suggested a benefit gig for it, what and where? to be considered.
Toby recommended https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9dY5zkwK5M
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photo by Steve Tanner end of warm up |