"I had major surgery on Wed 18th November. A week later, whilst horizontal in my hospital bed, having had a gruelling time, I noticed it was just gone 5pm. An idea popped into my somewhat hazy brain... I have my mobile, I have headphones, I have my face and hands... And so I suddenly decided to join our regular Shallal2 session! What joy! It felt funny and cheeky to take part in a public, yet very private setting. We all know how Zoom has limitations and we miss being able to interact in a large space. But how perfect Zoom was for me in that moment! In usual circumstances I simply wouldn't have been in the room. I was able to connect with my gang, be playful with my restricted movement. And it gave me the beauty of connectivity at a time of isolation, especially as no hospital visitors allowed.
Tuesday, 15 December 2020
Jo L recovery
Saturday, 5 December 2020
Remote Residency - so much going on
"....have very much
enjoyed listening to this. The sport and physical activity sector
has been hit equally hard by Covid. There is a natural overlap
around between the 2 sectors through mediums such as Dance - but I
think so many more opportunities to work together to support
communities and people in places. Both Sport England and The Arts
Council support similar projects in places."
"Creatives could be at the heart of this process, artists are good networkers and often see the connections and relationships between things and visualise lots of things at the same time. Good to hear about how to communicate with the council."
"A useful meeting. It was especially good to have Peter Lefort here. We have been trying to make contact with Cornwall Council re our arts hub/ housing co-op" - Redwing Gallery
"Totally agree that these types of conversations are not happening at the strategic systems level...... Happy to keep that conversation going if useful."
(I was invited to talk briefly at Cornwall Doughnut Collective on Dec 1and there were 67 people present - on zoom of course-, here's hoping for rolling forward positive change and responses, it's encouraging so many were there, and already small important conversations happening, again thank you to Manda, Peter Lefort, Cornwall Council and Rachel Turner, Exeter uni, Penryn campus)
![]() |
we tried to send human size paper |
"....lovely to be on Anna's presentation it was really professional, relaxed and inspiring...she's a credit to.... Shallal way of creating."
Thank You All". audience feedback
Tuesday, 24 November 2020
Barbara's show reel and film clips
Some interesting film clips:
Wednesday, 11 November 2020
Zoom events , Back Lane West , Great Imagining Symposium & talks!
So much going on i haven't had time to write more here!
Yesterday saw 12 people 'Having Fun with Words' from Italy and Spain to just 'down the lane'
with Jo Lumber and Debbie O'Nyons
more to come...
many thanks to Reaching Communities Emergency Fund
TODAYAction Research Symposium 1.0 | The Human Ecosystem - How do we relate to ourselves?
Friday, 16 October 2020
Birthday Cake Recipe
and then there's CAKE
Miles pre birthday Shallal2 celebration at the end with Jo and ? and Demelzaan important part of family occasions especially Birthdays which we like to keep....
(we have vegan recipes but they are other peoples and copyrighted and tend to be tray bakes)
and then of course fruit as a healthy option so...
for basic cake...which can be adapted for many flavours..just add your own...
Thursday, 15 October 2020
National Climate Events links from CDE
from CDE....
.....so many things happening with a climate & environment focus,.....November is when COP26 should have been, and December is the 5th anniversary of the Paris agreement. Climate x Culture - a season from the Climate Heritage Network, a virtual global forum for arts, culture and heritage-based climate action. 12 October - 27th November calling for affiliated events https://www.culturexclimate. Remembrance Day for Lost Species - weekender around 30th November. Focus this year is on links between racism and ecological justice/species extinctions. A call for events anywhere, with a strong emphasis on the arts as a means to commemorate. https://www.lostspeciesday. Mock COP26 19th Nov to 1st Dec. A big, inclusive online Mock COP. The event will be run by young climate activists, with a focus on the Global South. https://www.mockcop.org/ Bio-diverse festival, an inclusive, welcoming space for underrepresented and minority groups in biology and conservation. October. http://bio-diversefestival.org Countdown is a global initiative from TED to champion and accelerate solutions to the climate crisis, turning ideas into action. To build a better future by cutting greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030 in the race to a zero-carbon world – a world that is safer, cleaner and fairer for everyone. Every organization, company, city and nation and citizens everywhere are invited to collaborate with Countdown and take action on climate. It is a movement open to everyone – and everyone has a vital role to play. Launched on 10th October. https://countdown.ted.com/ London Climate Action Week. creates space for London’s world leading array of climate professionals to come together to find solutions. 14-20 November https://www. UN Climate Summit. UK to host high level climate summit with UN for the 5th anniversary of Paris. 12th December. https://www.firstpost.com/ Also, as you will have seen, the BBC is giving platform to David Attenborough following screening of Extinction: The Facts and the distributed screening of his film A Life On Our Planet. He was on BBC the other day with Prince William to announce the Earthshot Prize https://earthshotprize.org/ Nominations will open on 1st November, with over 100 nominating partners from across the world being invited to submit nominations of those individuals, communities, businesses and organisations who could win The Earthshot Prize. |
Tuesday, 13 October 2020
Dance Delivery & more
Some of our latest projects/events below Dance Delivery
Aims to engage and deliver short performances for Dancers who are isolated and connected to Shallal performance groups: Shallal Dance Theatre, Shallal 2 and Out There.
and we are awaiting the Poetry book, coming soon, and the Zine which is being sent out from Picture Post.
Really pleased to be working with Manda again.
Culture Declares Emergency meeting today
and had good short chats with Sarah Nicholls https://www.sounduk.net/events/12-Years-Sarah-Nicolls-12-Streams/
and Claire Macdonald
Need to remember we are in an emergency and culture affects politicians and the public, we need to use our voice.
Thank you to everyone backstage in Shallal and to our funders, and of course to all the artists we love to work and play with.
Sunday, 4 October 2020
News Dance Delivery, Studio opening, Open Hose meet up..and more
Thursday, 10 September 2020
Back Lane West Residency dates and lots of updates
Sometimes i think i blog to decongest whats going on and now Shallal is about to blossom bigger than i can report on which is good!
Phoebe, Lou and Nick are busy planning and creating our NEW website with Barbara helping and Anna madly archiving 30 + years of photos - and we won't even chat about film and of course lots of the best work wasn't filmed or sometimes even photographed, the ephemeral nature of performance especially pre digital age. However thanks to Danu when she was development manager in our early return years and the fact i don't throw much away we have found most
Phoebe and Lou's project ( with Project Ability ) Picture Post continues to be so popular and calls are for it to continue.
I'm distilling a potential new application written via Mary with Barbara's support/overview hoping to bring in Sapphire https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=830115680818272
Our summer sessions end and new term begins today!
Thanks especially to Demelza for supporting through the summer with Colin.
Thanks also to Lisa who supported Art Zoom and worked with Claire to establish and deliver Shallals Sketchbooks Zoom.
Cornish Doughnut Feast https://www.instagram.com/cornishdoughnutfeast/
I'm struggling with Circles and Doughnuts but a conversation recently was "how sometimes your best work comes from struggling with things you can't quite 'get/fit' into your art outlook easily"...
a lot going on behind the scenes since an inspiring chat with Manda Brookman and yesterday with Jenny at Jenny Andersson, The Really Regenerative Centre CIC https://reallyregenerative.org from RSA connection?!
to sprinkle the idea of some sort of RSA platform, dialogue, zoom etc featuring Doughnut Economics and the part of art and beauty, culture? and embedding it, introducing it more into society through the arts
Tina Cockett sent us this
yet to be explored but so important!
Friday, 28 August 2020
Culture Declares Emergency & cornishdoughnutfeast
Building on Regenerative Visions,
Thursday, 27 August 2020
Playlist Doughnuts and Circles week!
Doughnuts and Circles week
Music choices from Sam!
Wednesday, 19 August 2020
Feedback/chat from Regenerative Visions for the Arts in Cornwall.
Freelance writers, photographers and artists
From the Zoom Chat...
the UCL Covid19 social study has shown that engaging in creativity has been the most protective factor for mental health and wellbeing during this crisis
And that engagement has been across the social demographic including people who are experiencing severe hardship and with long term mental illness. ...Jayne Howard of Arts Well
if one person fails we all fail is such a profound idea. it is how our ecosystems work in nature. the cultural mycelium of the human world echoing nature.
so inspiring… Art, Design, Science, Community, all coming together in a transformative culture. completely brilliant. From Deborah Curtis
The mushroom factory is SO exciting!!!
So inspiring Jessica.
Amazing Jessica, thanks so much.
Jessica Prendergrast
Also, if anyone wants to hear more about the mushroom factory podcast, we have just launched a podcast of the journey to building it. Available here. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/spores-for-thought/id1516921540
Deborah Curtis - Little House of Fairy tales
This is now a moment of Tipping Point.. we need to ensure that critical thinking, science, technology and politics are in joined up thinking with the arts. Culture is everything about how we cloth ourselves, feed ourselves, warm ourselves, relate to each other. we need to join the dots. not be separate.
There are so many brilliant organisations who have been working for decades. We need to make sure their voices are also heard. if we all work together we can create extraordinary transformation.
Brilliant, thank you - Jayne Howard & Léa Guzzo - Cornwall Council - Senior Culture and CI Officer
Thanks to all the speakers and to Jo for organising this From Helen Tiplady HFC
Thank you Jo and all the speakers, really motivating and inspiring
Thank you Jo and all the speakers - lots of food for thought.
Look forward to hopefully connecting again. Be great to catch up this way in future. Thanks for all the presentations. ...Collaborating not competing is key :-)
Thank you so much for organising this Jo, and thank you to all the speakers. This event was really well put together - inspiring and energising. Teresa, CAST (Cornubian Arts & Science Trust)
Thanks you to Jo and all the speakers for an inspiring gathering
The Covid19 Social Study shows that participating in creative activity has been the best protector of mental health and wellbeing over the pandemic
We will immediately be joining up to Culture Declares
Thanks everyone - all the talks and projects mentioned sound so inspiring. I will be trying to integrate some of these ideas in to my new project.
ecologist and creative
Léa Guzzo - Cornwall Council - Senior Culture and CI Officer
We are working toward our new 5 years cultural strategy for Cornwall: Creative Manifesto. Would be great to see all this embedded in this new strategy> Thanks the presentation.
Thanks very much for good info - I think that it is really only creativity which will get us through things... so true that we have to look at what is near us. - Chair of Newlyn Society of Artists
Fantastic presentations, thank you everyone, very inspiring!
Thanks for organising a really interesting session – great to hear the other speakers.
Thanks so much again – and great to ‘meet’ you all!
Thank you, Jo! And thank you everyone!