Tuesday, 15 December 2020

Jo L recovery

  "I had major surgery on Wed 18th November. A week later, whilst horizontal in my hospital bed, having had a gruelling time, I noticed it was just gone 5pm. An idea popped into my somewhat hazy brain... I have my mobile, I have headphones, I have my face and hands... And so I suddenly decided to join our regular Shallal2 session! What joy! It felt funny and cheeky to take part in a public, yet very private setting. We all know how Zoom has limitations and we miss being able to interact in a large space. But how perfect Zoom was for me in that moment! In usual circumstances I simply wouldn't have been in the room. I was able to connect with my gang, be playful with my restricted movement. And it gave me the beauty of connectivity at a time of isolation, especially as no hospital visitors allowed. 

I was very touched by the video the group had made for me, with them moving to the 'Plymouth Lights' track which I love.
I found myself remembering the phrase I came up with several years ago: 'Shallal makes life better'. At times of stress and trauma it is especially true."

Considering those alone, especially in hospital, and in times of stress or trauma, we have made the private video we made for Jo public, you can watch it at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfT_olfvORI

Saturday, 5 December 2020

Remote Residency - so much going on


Remote Residency
Back Lane West 2020

We kicked off with our Shallal Visioning, so good to be all together, and to have Manda with us.
We hope to create some small groups to take forward and explore ideas.

Thank you to Charlotte Bond who came along and has been reflecting back to us with her experience recently.
 "fantastically useful… So lovely how much goodwill Shallal generates" feedback from our chairperson

Wednesday 18 November we sat on Zoom with 25 - 31 people for Regenerative Visions for the Arts in Cornwall Part 2
Thank you again to Manda for all her free time, expertise, enthusiasm and generous spirit and to everyone involved, including local artists and artists from https://www.bristolartistledforum.com/  Bristol Artist-Led Forum, Peter Lefort from Cornwall Council, Redwing Gallery, 

some extracts from the chat...

 "....have very much enjoyed listening to this. The sport and physical activity sector has been hit equally hard by Covid. There is a natural overlap around between the 2 sectors through mediums such as Dance - but I think so many more opportunities to work together to support communities and people in places. Both Sport England and The Arts Council support similar projects in places."

"Creatives could be at the heart of this process, artists are good networkers and often see the connections and relationships between things and visualise lots of things at the same time. Good to hear about how to communicate with the council." 

"A useful meeting. It was especially good to have Peter Lefort here. We have been trying to make contact with Cornwall Council re our arts hub/ housing co-op" - Redwing Gallery

"Totally agree that these types of conversations are not happening at the strategic systems level...... Happy to keep that conversation going if useful."

(I was invited to talk briefly at Cornwall Doughnut Collective on Dec 1and there were 67 people present - on zoom of course-, here's hoping for rolling forward positive change and responses, it's encouraging so many were there, and already small important conversations happening, again thank you to Manda, Peter Lefort, Cornwall Council and Rachel Turner, Exeter uni, Penryn campus) 

Dance & Draw
Using the title of an old pre Shallal, Art Share project where Lisa Mortensen met us, for our new exploration in Back Lane West and beyond time.

Sent out large tubes containing strong tracing paper and acrylic markers and some suggestions to 11 dancers/artists in Shallal.

I was quite nervous about this as is a 'big' ask - literally .
However i was reassured when George phoned and he and Sam sent in some photos - thank you both.

'Opening the mystery tube, 
is Sam as tall as his arms are wide? 
Experimenting with the paint pens on a bit of the tracing paper, '
we tried to send human size paper

email instructions...

Inspired by You (and Anna and an artist she follows....)
I would like us to explore  
Dance & Draw 

We will be sending you:
 1.A sheet of strong tracing paper - you can add tape to the sides, to try to prevent it ripping  if needed - i was going to do this but have left it for you to decide.

2. nontoxic black and white acrylic pens

The suggestions is to: mark make, draw, on this paper 
to create a large image of your choice
that  you can: move with, around, respond to, photograph, hang on a wall, in a doorway, in nature, from a tree?
...it's your choice

Please send us a photo and or film of you with it.

Please keep us in the loop as much as you would like as you develop your work, responses and ideas.

[Once we have completed this
we may develop a 
2nd stage and get some canvas and paints
share shapes/strips and work at a distance collaboratively with other artists]

Ideas could include responses to::
Dance shapes and lines
Flowers, fields 

"....lovely to be on Anna's presentation it was really professional, relaxed and inspiring...she's a credit to.... Shallal way of creating."

 an artist said ".. she'll be sprawling herself around a big piece of paper soon."

20 in zoom audience 
We hope to have a limited access film available soon.

Cuthbert Willis' talk on 27 November had an audience of 19.
It was fascinating and I was impressed to see Miles' 6 or 7 drawings from it when we chatted later on in Art Zoom. They clearly documented the journey through the talk and he and Zoe really responded to the blue light...
"All Brilliant
Thank You All".  audience feedback

Sapphire Sumpter's 3 zoom sessions of 'Sharing Amici' were a wonderful treat,
and attracted an average of 20-25 each session,                                                                            with Wolfgang, Colm and some of Amici attending and even a Japanese family.
Wolfgang explained the 'Tower of Mothers' history and choreography which Sapphire introduced to us. 
The overall feedback from Shallal dancers included: 
"Very Good" 
"Loved it" 
"Really good, really nice"
"Loved stories, context, depth, choreography."

Both talks and the sessions attracted people from outside Shallal. We are getting used to publicising on Eventbrite, and it enables a far greater audience reach, recently a student in Italy in lockdown in her flat for the past 2 weeks joined a Wonderful Words session.

Sapphire has been awarded a Time to Shine leadership placement for a year! starting in January, we are so thrilled to have her working with us and developing new ideas and possibilities. (Thank you to Barbara for support in application)

We hope to continue offering a Space for artists sharing and talks over Zoom, so we can learn from each other and delve deeper into practice, conversations and cross overs. So far Phoebe,  Zoe, Tina, Glen, Joseph and Colin, Eddie - music, are considering it.
A really pleasing outcome for throughout Shallal from Sapphires initial wish to share practice. 

Confirming that our Annual Back Lane West Residency never ceases to enable us to go deeper and stretch further, and enjoy the shared creative visions and enthusiasm.

Initiatives from past residencies include:  
a 3 month summer residency at Porthmeor Studios, St Ives, including a Shallal 2 performance, 
Pop Up Performances, 
Poem, R&D ladder balancing with film, for Ladders and Footprints Show, 
Embodied Space at Newlyn Art Gallery with Peter Freeman, 
Toby's illustrations for Shallal's new Poetry book.

The Poetry book is coming soon after some publishing delays. 
Many thanks to Phlly Blundel our book designer, and more, for bringing it all together, and being so nice to work with.

Eddie has successfully drawn portraits over Zoom in a positive initiative for lockdown as Open Studios was cancelled

Best wishes and speedy recovery to Jerry Drew and Jo Lumber. 
Jo has been dropping into sessions on Zoom and entertaining us all from her various recovery places! Showing that truly we can outreach on zoom to hospital beds, waiting rooms, and convalescence.

Today we decorate then photograph our Shallal 2 outdoor Christmas Trees for the online celebration and for Jo as they will be outside her front steps...more next time...

so much going on in Shallal these days..thank you to one and all!

A time for clearing up and in my drafts found this:
so worth watching...

Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Barbara's show reel and film clips

 Some interesting film clips:

 spot yourself or those you know? interspersed through this showreel of Barbara's

recent highlights from you tube!

I'm a bit late coming to appreciate DV8... and the amazing performances of David Toole who died recently.

2 of my new favourite dances! love the filming, simple in shot of first dance...

Wednesday, 11 November 2020

Zoom events , Back Lane West , Great Imagining Symposium & talks!

 So much going on i haven't had time to write more here!

Yesterday saw 12 people 'Having Fun with Words' from Italy and Spain to just 'down the lane'

with Jo Lumber and Debbie O'Nyons

more to come...

many thanks to Reaching Communities Emergency Fund

we are excited to join in with Sapphire, 'Sharing Amici'.
One of life's wonderful circles as Sapphire works with Amici and Wolfgang Stange, who inspired and supported me when i dropped out from a degree to dance more in his sessions over 30 years ago and the rest is history!
All of Shallal is from his initial inspiration and of all the supportive and talented artists i have met along the way...now Shallal expands and takes on more and more of others vision, enthusiasm and experience.

Friday we have our annual Visioning Event, (in these times it will be on Zoom) for everyone related to Shallal, come and add your voice and inspiration to how we develop. 2-4pm 
We will be joined by Manda Brookman, introducing Doughnut Economics and positive ways forward so the planet is considered with the people. A trustee said to me it is already inherent in Shallal and i agree most of us are in harmony with the concept so we aim to listen, learn, consider and improve, refine and challenge ourselves.

Going deeper on from the Visioning and in a spirit of collaboration and wider Sharing we are really pleased to host:

who would have known sitting in an Economics module along with Sociology and Politics in the first year of a degree would have provided helpful tools and come to the fore again in this ...( an eldest daughter graduating from an Environmental Science degree also helps)

We need everyone onboard and all the tools we can to get through the coming challenges...
Highly recommend Manda Brookman of Cafe Disruptif and am really grateful for her time and energy. 

I recently was asked to be on a panel:

Action Research Symposium 1.0 | The Human Ecosystem - How do we relate to ourselves?

find my talk from 44.00 for 6 minutes, it's a bit all over the place as was trying to pick up threads from the other speakers contributions...
The Great Imagining are seeking to get in touch with people who might like to contribute to their vision and action
 The Great Imagining 
Empowering schools to be at the heart of transformation
towards a Greener, Fairer, Kinder world


Finally ART
and we would have been in Back Lane West Studio from 11 Nov -9 Dec
However lots online and remote working and ideas, conversations, explorations:
...currently waiting to send out roles of tracing paper and pens to make large drawings/mark making at home to 10 artists/dancers.
And i am grateful to my children who support ( and tolerate me), Anna is back dropping into Shallal 2 and supports Michael making many of our posters. A highlight and focus of our first family lockdown was listening to Michaels' ideas around colour as he researched his dissertation and he shares some of what he discovered in this talk. 

It builds nicely on from our R&D work with light artist Peter Freeman last year.  
It was so good to see instagram posts of his lights at Jubilee Pool in a collaboration with Lou Brett - Awen

Shallal Sketchbooks has commisioned work and continues to thrive thanks to Claire and Nikki Kelly ( trustee) and all the supportive team especially Lou, Lisa and Colin.
Picture Post was very popular and they have printed a Zine. I was looking forward to buying one at  Christmas Open Studios, Krowji - but that is cancelled due to lockdown.
The Community groups go well and are a tribute to the creativity of everyone involved and are rolled out in a person centred, group dynamic way each group has it's own personality.

Finally our poetry book has a final visit back to the printers and hopefully will be with us soon.


Friday, 16 October 2020

Birthday Cake Recipe

 and then there's CAKE

                      Miles pre birthday Shallal2 celebration at the end with Jo and ? and Demelza

an important part of family occasions especially Birthdays which we like to keep....

(we have vegan recipes but they are other peoples and copyrighted and tend to be tray bakes)

and then of course fruit as a healthy option so... 

for basic cake...which can be adapted for many flavours..just add your own...

"Toby regularly asks me to share a birthday cake recipe so here goes:
Very simple adaptable basic sponge recipe from my mum!
( i try to use organic, free range and local suppliers)
ratio 1:2

4 eggs
8oz butter or margarine
8oz self raising flour
8oz sugar ( i like dark sugar unless making victoria sponge type)
(put oven on at 160 or gas 3 to warm up)

add all to a bowl 
mix and beat to make light and airy

oil - 2 shallow tins (or put into bun cases or larger tray bake or...)
put mixture in tin/s
cook at 160 for approx 20 minutes then check and leave in until firm to touch  
( approx 10mins cooking time for buns)
leave to cool then turn out onto wire rack

for Carrot cake add 2? grated carrots, and cinnamon 2 tsps ( can also add raisins, mashed banana and grated apple) other spices nutmeg, all spice, lemon or orange zest etc

for Chocolate cake add cocoa powder 1-2 tbsps

Have Fun ....happy baking
love Jo x"

Thursday, 15 October 2020

National Climate Events links from CDE


from CDE....

.....so many things happening with a climate & environment focus,.....November is when COP26 should have been, and December is the 5th anniversary of the Paris agreement.

Climate x Culture - a season from the Climate Heritage Network, a virtual global forum for arts, culture and heritage-based climate action. 12 October - 27th November
calling for affiliated events  https://www.culturexclimate.org/

Remembrance Day for Lost Species - weekender around 30th November. Focus this year is on links between racism and ecological justice/species extinctions. A call for events anywhere, with a strong emphasis on the arts as a means to commemorate. https://www.lostspeciesday.org/

Mock COP26 19th Nov to 1st Dec. A big, inclusive online Mock COP. The event will be run by young climate activists, with a focus on the Global South. https://www.mockcop.org/

Bio-diverse festival, an inclusive, welcoming space for underrepresented and minority groups in biology and conservation. October.

 is a global initiative  from TED to champion and accelerate solutions to the climate crisis, turning ideas into action. To build a better future by cutting greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030 in the race to a zero-carbon world – a world that is safer, cleaner and fairer for everyone. Every organization, company, city and nation and citizens everywhere are invited to collaborate with Countdown and take action on climate. It is a movement open to everyone – and everyone has a vital role to play.
Launched on 10th October. https://countdown.ted.com/

London Climate Action Week. creates space for London’s world leading array of climate professionals to come together to find solutions. 14-20 November  https://www.londonclimateactionweek.org/

UN Climate Summit. UK to host high level climate summit with UN for the 5th anniversary of Paris. 12th December. https://www.firstpost.com/tech/science/un-britain-to-co-host-global-climate-summit-on-12-december-to-mark-fifth-anniversary-of-paris-agreement-8846791.html

Also, as you will have seen, the BBC is giving platform to David Attenborough following screening of Extinction: The Facts and the distributed screening of his film A Life On Our Planet.
He was on BBC the other day with Prince William to announce the Earthshot Prize
https://earthshotprize.org/  Nominations will open on 1st November, with over 100 nominating partners from across the world being invited to submit nominations of those individuals, communities, businesses and organisations who could win The Earthshot Prize.

Tuesday, 13 October 2020

Dance Delivery & more


Some of our latest projects/events below Dance Delivery 

Aims to engage and deliver short performances for Dancers who are isolated and connected to Shallal performance groups: Shallal Dance Theatre, Shallal 2  and Out There.

and we are awaiting the Poetry book, coming soon, and the Zine which is being sent out from Picture Post. 

Back Lane West has a range of remote and in the studio activities....http://backlanewest.org/residents/shallal-2/

Really pleased to be working with Manda again.

Culture Declares Emergency meeting today 

and had good short chats with Sarah Nicholls https://www.sounduk.net/events/12-Years-Sarah-Nicolls-12-Streams/

and Claire Macdonald


Need to remember we are in an emergency and culture affects politicians and the public, we need to use our voice.

Thank you to everyone backstage in Shallal and to our funders, and of course to all the artists we love to work and play with.

Sunday, 4 October 2020

News Dance Delivery, Studio opening, Open Hose meet up..and more

Point to where you see the Art work?

One of the frustrations with Zoom!
Which hampers really easy working together, as well as you can't hear music in breakout rooms,
 so we continue and have fun and make films and dream of how and what we can do
especially in our future R&D in Back Lane West time,
 any suggestions welcomed 
excited by https://www.instagram.com/janessaclark/?hl=en Communion project

Also ...I've returned to this and i'm not sure what i was going to write here as so much going on!

One of our groups Open House Penzance have managed 2 meet ups within Covid19 restrictions in Penlee Park Open air Theatre, many thanks to the council for their support
Liskeard group are leading the way in lots of small manageable physical initiatives and started a film project over August with Janice.

I've had some time off and realised why i usually don't work August! 
So have had a September break instead!
However grants etc don't break, so we articulated what a 'Time to Shine' leader role could offer us and put in our application and are through to interview! 

I return to work having searched for new music and then was inspired to formulate an idea thats been brewing so
Dance Delivery starts forming this week, employing solo dancers from the groups, mainly Shallal Dance Theatre, to deliver dance to those who are isolated, initially visiting those from our performance groups: to rekindle and remember what we love, the physical, the kinetic, the in the moment, the spontaneous, the connection and joyful fun of it all.
Using music by Kyle Coleman http://kylecoleman.co.uk/

Invitation being designed for this 
and posters being created for Wonderful Words and Zoom events, thanks to Mike Brett and Anna and Michael Willis.

Many thanks as ever to the whole team background and foreground for keeping this all happening, supported and current. 
Leading into winter we are using time in our residency in November to explore our Vision,
 as Shallal is the sum of its parts new people bring new visions and possibilities and we look at our wishes and dreams and our realities and potential.

Good news that the Studio opens up gently this week, again within Covid 19 restrictions.
So many people in Shallal cannot (or do not want to) access art via technology which we all accept is generally a poor second to the real thing!
However there are many benefits of it as well, so we are grateful for all the ways we can reach and be with each other.
Terri, returning to Cornwall to live in  the most southerly village the Lizard with no car, has reconnected via Zoom and we are so enjoying seeing her and a stream of suggestions and creativity, many thanks to Teddy Chilton ( her son) and Sophia Muir ( her friend) for wonderful music to use.

When this intense period of restrictions end and we can meet up again we don't want to loose the capacity to reach people on Zoom and phone, post etc and work 1:1 and intimately and in online groups with those who can't reach us physically.

There is a window of opportunity for positive change at this time, when we are halted and challenged,
 and which we all need to embrace and support positive system changes for people and planet.

as a PS you may remember i went to Tsavo National Park in Kenya to visit my brother and his wife and team making their film 5 years ago https://shallal-arts.blogspot.com/2015/06/news-and-summer-performances.html
It has gone onto become The Elephant Queen bought by Apple TV and won numerous awards,
 recently it collected 4 from one festival! including cinematography!
https://youtu.be/nASSJtpGovo ....a quick chat interview with them. 
Congratulations to them and all the wonderful team for years of hard work and dedication, 
with a real love and understanding of their work, and again it highlights the work we all need to do to stop this crisis getting worse and build our futures, in community with the creatures we share this beautiful planet with.

also Congratulations to Jacca their son who was nominated for his first film! 
Hope for a Highland Sea


Thursday, 10 September 2020

Back Lane West Residency dates and lots of updates

Back Lane West residency dates

11th November to 9th December.  
at present 
Jo timetabling: Cross art forms & R&D 11 Nov - 25 Nov 
Phoebe, Shallal Studios, 25 Nov - 9 Dec

Do contact us with any suggestions, some will take place off site:

Shallal Visioning ( and introducing Doughnut Economics ) Zoom Friday 13 Nov 2 - 4pm with Jo and Manda, invitations throughout Shallal, participants, performers, supporters, artists, facilitators, trustees, business manager etc...

Michael is R&D'ing his new project Maps of Colour
Cornish Doughnut Feast is in R&D at present
Eddie wants to write a song about Economics
Zoe has said she wants to make a film?
Phoebe and Janet painting in the last week
Lou and Sally visit
Lou possible film?

Sometimes i think i blog to decongest whats going on and now Shallal is about to blossom bigger than i can report on which is good!

Phoebe, Lou and Nick are busy planning and creating our NEW website with Barbara helping and Anna madly archiving 30 + years of photos - and we won't even chat about film and of course lots of the best work wasn't filmed or sometimes even photographed, the ephemeral nature of performance especially pre digital age. However thanks to Danu when she was development manager  in our early return years  and the fact i don't throw much away we have found most 

 Phoebe and Lou's project ( with Project Ability ) Picture Post continues to be so popular and calls are for it to continue.

I'm distilling a potential new application written via Mary with Barbara's support/overview hoping to bring in Sapphire https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=830115680818272

Our summer sessions end and new term begins today!

Thanks especially to Demelza for supporting through the summer with Colin.

Thanks also to Lisa who supported Art Zoom and worked with Claire to establish and deliver Shallals Sketchbooks Zoom.

Cornish Doughnut Feast https://www.instagram.com/cornishdoughnutfeast/

I'm struggling with Circles and Doughnuts but a conversation recently was "how sometimes your best work comes from struggling with things you can't quite 'get/fit' into your art outlook easily"...

a lot going on behind the scenes since an inspiring chat with Manda Brookman and yesterday with Jenny at Jenny Andersson, The Really Regenerative Centre CIC https://reallyregenerative.org from RSA connection?! 

 to sprinkle the idea of some sort of RSA platform, dialogue, zoom etc featuring Doughnut Economics and the part of art and beauty, culture? and embedding it, introducing it more into society through the arts

Tina Cockett sent us this


yet to be explored but so important!


Friday, 28 August 2020

Culture Declares Emergency & cornishdoughnutfeast

Thanks to Colin and Tony for this banner being in place by today!
"So much to do so little time"
(says the White rabbit in Alice in Wonderland)

CDE banner in Krowji Studio window

                                                 Building on Regenerative Visions, 
                                       Shallal are collaborating with Cafe Disruptif 
                                                   Cornish Doughnut Feast
positive news and ways forward are what we need, so let's drop what got us here 'growth economics' and start joined up, circular thinking.

 Doughnut Economics provides a new model which can be adapted and used and is already by many, 
Let's promote and introduce it. 

Shallal are now part of Cornwall Doughnut Collective.

Thursday, 27 August 2020

Playlist Doughnuts and Circles week!

 Doughnuts and Circles week 


Music choices from Sam!

from Jo L

Many years ago someone played this song to me... lots of circles ...bit cheesy...

really pleased  to have found this lovely fiddle player, she has lots on you tube...

always liked rounds!

Circles in songs and foot work

from Terri

Wednesday, 19 August 2020

Feedback/chat from Regenerative Visions for the Arts in Cornwall.

Feedback and connections from Zoom talks for 
Regenerative Visions for the Arts in Cornwall.

73 booked  - from Japan & Berlin to UK, Cornwall! which showed it's relevance
55  on event

We were so pleased and grateful to have such high quality and experienced speakers.

"Well done last night I thought the event was brilliant and you spoke so well. How exciting! Thanks Jo"

Attendees included:
Arts Well
Redwing Gallery
Hall for Cornwall
The Green Bottle Company
The Box Arts
Fuse Diverse Dance
The Creative Gym
Golden Tree Productions
Awen Productions CIC
Westcountry Rivers Trust
MSc Sustainable Development at Exeter (Falmouth)
Cornwall Council - Senior Culture and CI Officer
Council chair at the Royal Society of Art
Nicholas Serota, Chair of Arts Council England
Creative actions for XR and ocean rebellion 

Freelance writers, photographers and artists

From the Zoom Chat...

the UCL Covid19 social study has shown that engaging in creativity has been the most protective factor for mental health and wellbeing during this crisis

And that engagement has been across the social demographic including people who are experiencing severe hardship and with long term mental illness. ...Jayne Howard of Arts Well


if one person fails we all fail is such a profound idea. it is how our ecosystems work in nature. the cultural mycelium of the human world echoing nature.

so inspiring… Art, Design, Science, Community, all coming together in a transformative culture. completely brilliant. From Deborah Curtis

The mushroom factory is SO exciting!!!

So inspiring Jessica.

Amazing Jessica, thanks so much.

 Jessica Prendergrast


Also, if anyone wants to hear more about the mushroom factory podcast, we have just launched a podcast of the journey to building it. Available here. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/spores-for-thought/id1516921540


 Deborah Curtis - Little House of Fairy tales

This is now a moment of Tipping Point.. we need to ensure that critical thinking, science, technology and politics are in joined up thinking with the arts. Culture is everything about how we cloth ourselves, feed ourselves, warm ourselves, relate to each other. we need to join the dots. not be separate.

There are so many brilliant organisations who have been working for decades. We need to make sure their voices are also heard. if we all work together we can create extraordinary transformation.


Brilliant, thank you - Jayne Howard & Léa Guzzo - Cornwall Council - Senior Culture and CI Officer 

Thanks to all the speakers and to Jo for organising this From Helen Tiplady HFC

Thank you Jo and all the speakers, really motivating and inspiring

Thank you Jo and all the speakers - lots of food for thought.

Look forward to hopefully connecting again. Be great to catch up this way in future. Thanks for all the presentations. ...Collaborating not competing is key :-)

Thank you so much for organising this Jo, and thank you to all the  speakers. This event was really well put together - inspiring and energising. Teresa, CAST (Cornubian Arts & Science Trust)

Thanks you to Jo and all the speakers for an inspiring gathering

The Covid19 Social Study shows that participating in creative activity has been the best protector of mental health and wellbeing over the pandemic


We will immediately be joining up to Culture Declares

Thanks everyone - all the talks and projects mentioned sound so inspiring. I will be trying to integrate some of these ideas in to my new project.

 ecologist and creative

Léa Guzzo - Cornwall Council - Senior Culture and CI Officer 

We are working toward our new 5 years cultural strategy for Cornwall: Creative Manifesto. Would be great to see all this embedded in this new strategy> Thanks the presentation. 

Thanks very much for good info - I think that it is really only creativity which will get us through things... so true that we have to look at what is near us. - Chair of Newlyn Society of Artists

Fantastic presentations, thank you everyone, very inspiring! 

Follow up chats between the speakers
BRILLIANT! ðŸ™‚ Well done,  ... fab!
.. fabulous, Judith - a storm of examples and compelling-ness to declare!!
Great to meet everyone - and fab to find out about Jess and Contain Arts and the Onion, and Complete Communication -a very rich hour and a half all round. ðŸ™‚🙂

Thanks for organising a really interesting session – great to hear the other speakers.  

Thanks so much again – and great to ‘meet’ you all!

Thank you, Jo! And thank you everyone!

I had some lovely feedback....... this morning
.... Judith..... . fabulous too (you all were!) and it was really encouraging to see people in the chat box saying that they were signing up to Culture Declares!
"..... the feedback ...... was for the whole event..... said that it really highlighted how much we all need to be working together on this, and that climate / doughnut way of working needs to underpin everything that everyone is doing going forwards ðŸ’š"