Wednesday, 21 August 2019

A lot going on!

So much going on, I'll try to tell some through photos:

Firstly thank you to Anna for all her insight, help and support,
she's off to uni soon, leaving me with instagram. She gave me my second lesson this morning! but i'm not a good photographer like her!
She is about to make me a poster for Embodied Space before she leaves. We already have a wonderful short promo film by Barbara
Anna is already planning how to get back for Back Lane West Residency which she has been involved in since the beginning! 

Fabulous quirky and powerful intriguing Portraits
from Express Yourself Artists currently at Falmouth Art Gallery community space.
Lots of interactive interesting art for all the family in Falmouth Art Gallery Summer show worth a visit.

Adam working hard tweeking the last credits for 'Face to Face' inspired mini film by Shallal 2 dancers
 So I'm still on half holiday but had a wonderful end of the day sea swim Tuesday with Phoebe and we chatted about the new Studio and projects,
Lou, Phoebbe and i collect the key tomorrow,
and then work floods in, so much of it!
all starting with a bang next term!!!

August 26 Shallal Studios has a new home at Krowji GO8!

Embodied Space, Shallal Dance Theatre performances 
14th September       2pm       Eden Arts Festival Weekend, Eden Project
15th September       3pm      Trerife House, Penzance
27th September       7.30pm Liskerett Centre Liskeard with
                                                                                    Continuum Dance, Out There and Thomas Remnant

5 October                      11.30am and 2pm Shallal 2 performing at Fun Palaces Royal Cornwall Museum, Truro
1-31 October Back Lane West Residency

Lastly thinking of Robin Fisher, who has stayed with us for the final part of his swimming preparation for his cross channel swim
We wish him good conditions and urge you to support him if you can.
Robin tucking into breakfast with Mary - lots of calories needed for the swim!
I wanted to blog this photo to share some of our holidays and time with Robin and because i realised when looking at it that it had lots of artists work that i love in it...
so do take a look at :
from left to right
drawing from Sidney from Shallal 2 underneath left
hl=en - i'm not sure if Chema has a current website, his painting is one people often enjoy and ask about. .

Hope you have had a good summer and hope to see you at an event next term!

Thursday, 15 August 2019


Late night holiday catch up...
returning from a wonderful week vacation to news we had to leave our wonderful home at St Peters Hall, ( many thanks to them without their unstinting support over the years we may have closed) the end of an era! but on with the new and we already have a fantastic new space for dance on Fridays ( Shallal Dance Theatre) at St Erth Church hall and now we have a new Studio (for a time - more about that on another post)  at Krowji, we get 'the key ' on 22 August and move all the 'art stuff' in on 23rd!

However i"m sitting here uploading Barbara's great new film see FB page we now have the time in for Eden performance which will be in the Mediterranean biome - fun - love the smells in there...

Still haven't got to the point which is this:
 I also received, on holiday, feedback on the workshop for Continuum Dance ( who will perform in Embodied Space at Liskerett Centre, Liskeard) - thank you to Helen 

"I wanted to take a bit of time before giving you any feedback, not because I had any doubts about the session on Thursday, but because I wanted to try and think about what in particular it was that was so good.  

I’m not sure I’ve succeeded in all of that, but I did want to say that, first of all, everyone loved the session: people were still talking about it with real enthusiasm when we got together at Port Eliot, even though we were so preoccupied with what we were actually doing there.  

We often have the chance in class to do some creative and improvisational dance, on our own and with each other, but I think we’ve never had a whole session devoted to that, and it was brilliant.  It was like playing, and being given full permission to play; but I could see how we all grew in confidence and freedom through the session, triggered by you and by each other, and learning to extend our movement, and discover movement from within ourselves.  That doesn’t happen randomly; it was the way in which you watched us and responded to how we were developing, nudging and directing us so that growth continued in a seemingly natural way.  I also liked the fact that we didn’t have a concrete goal to aim for – in other words we weren’t leading towards constructing a piece that we could devise and perform to the others.  It was treated as a worthwhile exercise in itself.  Just looking around and seeing how everyone was moving was proof of the benefit; I saw people moving expressively and creatively more than I had ever seen in some of them before.  And it wasn’t a lazy option either; we all felt that we had had a good physical workout at the end.

There’s no doubt that the ability to lead such an apparently open-ended session comes from much experience and deep understanding of how dancing people work, and we all recognised that.  I think we all have a great deal to learn from your approach, both as dancers and as leaders.  We loved it and loved you, and look forward to more.  Thank you so much for coming and sharing this with us."

I could say so much but the main joy for me was to try this approach with experienced dancers who as a group already had a high level of mutual trust and were very experienced, i learnt a lot. We are meeting again on 12 September when they come to Out There to continue the Embodied Sapoce exploration...looking forward to it!

There is so much going on these days
 Express Yourself Portraits Exhibition is on at Falmouth Art Gallery community space 
Adam has nearly finished a 1 minute film commission with Shallal2 for  the RCM Royal Cornwall Museum....
Barbara and Lou are busy behind the scenes applying for future projects and funding 
Back Lane West and new Studio Expanding Limits timetables
meeting with Phoebe soon
and amongst all this a wet Cornish holidays beckons!
Returning to the Feedback Colin and i had a good long chat with our Embodied Space mentor Harry Theaker which was really insightful and helpful.
Notes coming soon.

Summer picnic photo plus

So much going on and grateful thanks to our trustees and background support so that i can now concentrate on art and people!!

And there is a lot of it...
I've just sent out our newsletter to try to make the FAD Sharing
Tuesday and Wednesday, filming with some of Shallal2 and Adam 
Just had our wonderful picnic..along with wonderful young trio Barry and the crumpets
and so much...