So the sun is shining, welcome to Spring, flowers, longer days, birdsong and joy... and i have to tidy my hall which is also my workspace, office? home ed and storage, dumping ground! etc i do love working from home but......
Anyway the joy of clearing is the small things you keep hold of and re-find,
such as
"Community is an inclusive word, a warm word, that expresses a sense of belonging together. As each of the lectures makes clear community does not happen by magic, it has to be sustained. There are all sorts of barriers and
obstacles to overcome.
If we are to include those who are in one way or another outcast, marginalised or on the edge, then what we have is community. Community is a celebration of difference as opposed to tribalism, which is an expression of togetherness set against that which is different."
Bishop Bill 2008
"In the arts, as in life, everything is possible provided it is based on love.
Marc Chagall
"Culture is society talking to itself"
Rabbi Sachs
This one is on my wall always...
"Do not fear failure or crave success, your work must be an act of love."
an inventor talking on Radio 4 years ago - i stopped the car to write it down.
"Keep Calm and Carry On" was also in prominent place for a long time but has now down graded to behind the curtain,...
"God takes you to the point where you ( acknowledge you) are powerless and waits for you there" a personnel reminder on the wall, that i forget to read...
Why we need community:
We need to know and love each other,
"My brother is my life" St Silouan from Mount Athos
I looked up these statistics and information as we were talking about Sorrowful Songs by Gorecki and whether we will ever perform some of it in improv ie Embodied Space and if we do i would like to dedicate it to those people killed and often unremembered/forgotten...
Thursday 29 February
This takes me round in a strange circle to Wolfgangs first major show Ruckblick,
which had recently been created and performed when i first met him and it was a photograph from it that he showed at the end of a workshop which changed my life!
I talked with Andy Parker ( photographer) once about the power of an image.
More about Wolfgang and Amici here:
So on a different or maybe not? tack, as elephants are suffering the plight of poaching.
I'm so pleased for my brother and his wife and the team who worked with them as recently they were unexpectedly presented with the International Green Award.
![]() |
Mark Deeble and Victoria Stone |
from The Elephant Queen FB page
'Thrilled for the @TEQmovie team that #theelephantqueen was honoured with the International Green Award in Berlin last night at #CinemaForPeace. Delighted that the judges recognised that the movie aims to reach a wide audience AND make a difference for elephants.
It was what we intended when we set out on the journey eight years ago.'
"lets hope the film gets out to as many hearts and homes as possible and does its work"
I reread this blog and it has gone from light to dark, with a ray of light - the eternal hope in it.
Life is about holding the paradox, we can't forget what has been done and we also need to have vision for the future and I think come up with some new enlightened alternatives and solutions so we can all live together on the planet.
I am thinking of this as i look at sharing the funds raised from our forthcoming fund raiser with
and i wrote to myself
"Inclusion means many things, it means hospitality and welcoming the stranger. Which is what 'Falmouth and Penryn Welcome refugees' does."
Which takes me to Pipeline Theatre and their new show, which tackles some hard issues...
And now i need to return to my desk and emails and the day which promises a group at Liskeard and a meeting with Thomas about his aims and vision.
Recently we had a workshop/training in which Nick Fripp shared 4 approaches: overprotective, authoritarian, cold and solidarity.
Solidarity is what we aim for and artists need it, often more than most as many don't understand it, and I meet it so often, why do people dream, vision, ask for more in their lives? maybe they have something to offer, to share which others need. We all feel better, feed off/are nurtured by the creativity of others, which takes me back to the first few quotes.
"Community is an inclusive word, a warm word, that expresses a sense of belonging together. As each of the lectures makes clear community does not happen by magic, it has to be sustained. There are all sorts of barriers and
obstacles to overcome.
If we are to include those who are in one way or another outcast, marginalised or on the edge, then what we have is community. Community is a celebration of difference as opposed to tribalism, which is an expression of togetherness set against that which is different."
Shallal celebrates diversity, ability and community.
Many thanks to the late Danu Fox for this strap line.