We've just had a wonderful rich time:
A show by
Squashbox Theatre to Shallal Dance Theatre and guests, followed by a really interesting discussion on how Craig creates work etc, part of our Doorways Rand D.
Wonderful opportunity to see a free HFC show all together for most Shallal community groups! Thank you
Hall for Cornwall, each group decides on a show they want to see, that will be fun in itself!
Shallal Sketchbooks first 'proper' outing, of its relaunch, at St Levan School, wonderful images and a great success, well done Victoria - so pleased!
Amazing hats emerging from workshops with Victoria and Amanda
in the week......
Book meeting held so we are on our way, where it will lead we don't quite know yet, but i just needed it started, the team are Victoria and George (with me floating around) and we hope to be helped by George's friend Jonathan
also 'phew' something positive - to combat the trends in the NHS screening
Good meeting with trustees Nick and Lesley-ann, we learn a lot from their experience, insight and support - thank you - and Lou is now able to crack on with our next stage in our
strategy for funding, and all those lovely possibilities and plans....
Liskeard new group, small but beautiful, a little microcosm of who Shallal reaches and speaks to and three of them are performing on
Tuesday at Bodmin College in a dance platform...see poster...
Footprints residency at Back lane West nearly half way through - Jo Lumber in the studio with writing, performing and music on her mind this weekend - i love residencies, the chance to dig deeper, dwell longer on things and in process and more friends to join us....
Shallal Sketchbooks there on Monday and Tuesday...see poster....
3 of the Liskeard group. Janice, Alice and Tom - final pose of last dance! all improv so come along and see them in action on Tuesday evening!
more photos on FB page |
A slightly older blog which fits with the "Hurray" we are pursuing our funding dreams...
"I'm one of those people who learn by talking, or ear bashing! apologies those who have to listen!
so today when discussing how next to look for funding for Shallal with Lou, i felt strongly that - as i had said ( politely i hope ) in my provocation at AHSW conference -
Please, lets stop congratulating ourselves that art makes a difference in peoples lives, we know that! Art Therapies have been around a long time now, Community Arts long enough to know they work and should have supporting evidence eg, dance is good for your health, well being, confidence, decision making etc etc etc. I'm not an academic but papers have been written on it...so rather than reinventing the wheel or saying again 'good hygiene is good for health' - we know that, 'The arts can work' we know that,
So how do you present them?
How do you take them out into the wider society, the world of creative arts so everyone can join in, not just in ghetto groups but altogether...so i want to suggest change in Art: 'perspective, provision and delivery', i want Shallal to, ideally, be funded for that!"
the first 2 have been on my mind and then the third popped in, and recently i had the opportunity to talk about it to Artist Joan Gabie
What happens when the art absorbs you, painting/drawing/dancing, timelessness takes over, you touch something else
you can't command it, you can make opportunity to fall into it
What unities people who like to dance together....?
non verbal art forms.....
and so it goes on....