Doorways Show Huge Success
The sun shone on Shallal Dance Theatre’s recent ‘Doorways’ Show performed
at Godolphin House near Helston. ‘Doorways’ is a site specific show designed
around the backdrop of Godolphin’s wonderful old entrance door. The
performance weaved its magic between the shady colonnades, while
entertaining an audience of over a hundred and seventy visitors on the grass
circle in front of the house. The audience ranged from those who came upon it
by chance visiting the National Trust property to those who have seen nearly
all of the company’s shows. Audience feedback included “Brilliant ….the best
production we have seen,” to and spontaneous praise from German author
Karsten Flohr and his wife: “We experienced your performance last Friday at
Godolphin House. Now that we are back home in Germany we want to thank
you very much for that thrilling hour! We never before saw a performance like
that and we are deeply touched and enchanted.
We hope there will be an opportunity to see you again some day.”
The show contained an array of emotion and styles from the poignant and
funny spoken word piece of ‘Lady Godolphin’ to a comic horse race encircling
the audience. Audience remarks included: “Had everything; sad, funny and
emotional” “interactive and entertaining” ‘exquisitely beautiful and “inspiring.”
Specially designed for the setting and inspired by research into the history of
the place and people who lived there, many commented on how it “brought
the building to life in a magical way.”
The show was is the start of the public face of the Cornish Doorways Project
which included a photographic exhibition by Belinda Whiting in the newly
renovated Cidery, and installations in the grounds of comprising a bead curtain
doorway with images and words hanging between trees to and a large
doorway in the woods created by Toby Bridge.
Extracts from the show can be seen in the final indoor performances which will
take place at a number of venues across Cornwall at the end of the project
which. These will include Shallal Dance Theatre’s next upcoming exploration
into Passmore Edwards’ wonderful philanthropic ‘doorways into learning’
especially with a special focus on our Cornish Libraries. The legacy of the
project includes exhibitions and a book or two!
Shallal are grateful for the grass roots support as well national funding and
partnerships which enable this project to take place. Funding partners
including include The Arts Council England, Heritage Lottery Fund, The Garfield
and Weston Foundation, Feast Cornwall and many generous local donations.
love the horse race! |