I had hoped to take many photos, but as is the way when, making cups of tea and chatting, the idea was there but the time flew, however we managed one of this pyramid!!!
In the photograph: Joseph is waiting eagerly to join Shallal when he leaves school next year, his sister Katie is in it and Sophie hopes to return this September if her college timetable lets her!
The Shallal summer social is a lovely chance for us all to be together without pressure, to see everyones family and friends, and meet some new faces who may join us. Not everyone was able to come but we numbered nearly 50, so thank you to everyone who came and hopefully see you at Christmas!
I am writing this to avoid other writing, as usual - or maybe I should see it as a warming up exercise.
Doorways are being researched, really enjoying Cornish Language and Dolly Pentreath, planning to meet Sally this week to discuss it further, ~ for a light touch to the day I recommend her poetry in a can....www.thepoetree.net/wordmart.php
Also planning to meet Kim who is developing an older women's opera project http://powow- projectoperaworksforolderwomen .blogspot.com/.
and planning for Zoe to perform a solo at Access Theatre's next event.
Sadly there beautiful poster won't upload but it's,
Sky's the Limit
Community Platform
Launceston Town Hall
August 19th, 7pm
tickets £6 to book tickets 07968416009
Amongst all this trying to write a big application and have a summer holiday, but the joys of living in Cornwall are high: long sandy beaches, family cream teas and pier jumping with 2/3rds of the family yesterday.
Joseph, Jacob, Katie, Steph, Sophie and Aaron |
Doorways are being researched, really enjoying Cornish Language and Dolly Pentreath, planning to meet Sally this week to discuss it further, ~ for a light touch to the day I recommend her poetry in a can....www.thepoetree.net/wordmart.php
Also planning to meet Kim who is developing an older women's opera project http://powow-
and planning for Zoe to perform a solo at Access Theatre's next event.
Sadly there beautiful poster won't upload but it's,
Sky's the Limit
Community Platform
Launceston Town Hall
August 19th, 7pm
tickets £6 to book tickets 07968416009
Amongst all this trying to write a big application and have a summer holiday, but the joys of living in Cornwall are high: long sandy beaches, family cream teas and pier jumping with 2/3rds of the family yesterday.