Wednesday 8 April 2015

Portmeor Residency and chat

Shallal Studios last meeting saw Lou, Melanie and I round Lou's kitchen table, thanks to Nick Fripp our new trustee for coming to and adding a lot of experience and insight to the onwards to try to find the funding to make this opportunity really exciting and full.

Whilst gathering information for Lou I came across a lovely post about Molly who will come to try out the main company soon.

Danu, Molly's mum launched Shallal towards the success it is today by having the role of development manager and getting us to charitable status ten years ago now! As with many people she is multi talented and was our musical director and wrote and performed marvellous music for our show MASK.

great list of galleries here:

oh and my husband now nearly retired but we keep hoping to lure him back to his studio in the warmer weather!

I wrote the above some weeks ago now and today went to Falmouth Art Gallery to run a session with Fal Care and we had 2 lovely spontaneous visitors Angus aged 2 and his mum.
It is a joy to work with people i know already but now meet in a visual art setting and to be supported by Lou or Laura. We are creating pictures on small cards (as well as other sizes) and fit them all together at the end to re look at them.
Falmouth Art Gallery have interesting and stimulating exhibitions and an incredibly warm and welcoming atmosphere which all the staff and the directors past and present have cultivated.

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